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Editor's comments: "I liked this paper because they examined soil carbon dynamics in soil depth well beyond what most other studies would consider as…
As part of her Ph.D.-studies at Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences at University of Copenhagen, Guanying Chen has studied deep root and water-…
Leanne Peixoto will this summer graduate as a Ph.D. from Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, where she worked on the Deep Frontier project,…
Eusun Han joined the Deep Frontier project in 2016 at its very initial phase, mainly to work in the field trial called DeepRootLab (DRL). Before that…
Deep roots have become a hot topic in agricultural science. That is due to the fact that they allow the crop to exploit unused nutrients and water…
Growing deep-rooted perennial crop attracts the attention of researchers and farmers to address modern agricultural challenges such as improving…
The Deep Frontier project has collaborated internationally throughout the project period. Two Australian researchers visited the project in December…
A more targeted recruitment of beneficial microorganisms in an environment of fewer resources. That is one of the main findings in a study focusing on…
Some of the unique Deep Frontier research facilities were presented as ‘Technology of the month’ in ‘Trends in Plant Science’ in the April 2020 issue.…
A review prepared by a group of researchers from the Deep Frontier project in collaboration with researchers from Australia, France and the USA was…
The Deep Frontier project recently hosted an international workshop that summoned some of the leading root experts from around the world.
When a drought hits, there is often still water in the deeper soil. If crops have deep roots, they can access this water. Chicory is such a crop, and…
Carbon (C) turnover in subsoil was studied by Zhi Liang, PhD student of the Deep Frontier project. The results presents a framework for enhanced…
What is going on in the deep soil layers? How do crops response to water stress? Do plants get water and nutrition from the deep soil layers? Do deep…
Preliminary results about carbon turnover in top- and subsoil were presented at a recent symposium. The poster, which was prepared by Zhi Liang,…
Seminar June 12 2017, 13.00 – 16.00: Invitation to the seminar: Roots for sustainability
On 12 June we have a visit from an international group of…
The advisory board affiliated to the Deep Frontier project consists of a strong team of international experts. Last week, the team led a ph.d. course…
The DeepRootLab area has been prepared and this autumn intercropping between Lucerne and Winter Wheat will take place in 6 of the scheduled 24 plots.
Twelve root towers are planned to study deep rooting in detail. The first 6 root towers have been established.
PhD student Camilla Ruø Rasmussen and PhD student Affendy Bin Hassan have completed a joint experiment testing methods for water uptake and DNA…
Project partners have presented various aspects of the project for a curious audience. The presentations were in Danish and were made into videos. The videos can be viewed on ICROFS' website.