New ideas from international experts
The advisory board affiliated to the Deep Frontier project consists of a strong team of international experts. Last week, the team led a ph.d. course at the project facility at Højbakkegaard. The advisory board members also gave valuable input to the further development and design of the research taking place in the project.

The advisory board also discussed dissemination potentials with the project members and suggested a wide range of novel ways to use the test field plots and root towers for research purposes as well as practical tips suited for closer examination of roots and root-soil interaction. The group consists of: (left to rigth in photo):
- Allain Pierret,Research Scientist, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France (stationed in Laos)
- Tim Crews, Director of Research and Ecologist at The Land Institute, USA
- Ebbe Sønderriis, freelance journalist, Denmark
- John Kirkegaard, Chief Research Scientist at CSIRO Agriculture, Australia
- Philippe Hinsinger, Senior Scientist at Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA), France