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A network of 21 European partners from 14 countries is now calling for research that can provide a sustainable intensification of agricultural…
Bioeconomy and its legitimacy might be a well-worn discussion, however, the serious perspectives of the future needs to be dealt with.
FACCE Surplus is funded as a new ERA-NET action under Horizon 2020: The ERA-NET Cofund, which merges the previous ERA-NET and ERA-NET Plus. The…
The ERA-net FACCE SURPLUS is a product of the joint programming initiative FACCE-JPI comprising 21 countries committed to build a European Research…
FACCE SURPLUS, the call for proposals in sustainable and resilient agriculture, is closing on March 4th 2015.
The ERA-net FACCE SURPLUS is now online with information and news about the programme.
Increased demands for food, renewable energy and raw materials from biomass are among the
“Great Challenges” for the 21st century. Based on the…
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