The joint programming initiative FACCE
The ERA-net FACCE SURPLUS is a product of the joint programming initiative FACCE-JPI comprising 21 countries committed to build a European Research Area addressing challenges of sustainable agriculture, food security and impacts of climate change. FACCE JPI coordinates and comprises a list of activities.

FACCE-JPI provides and steers research to support sustainable agricultural production and economic growth, to contribute to a European bio-based economy, while maintaining and restoring ecosystem services under current and future climate change.
“FACCE is a very ambitious JPI. Alignment of national strategies, programmes and commitment from national funders are the keys to successful Joint Programming (JPI),” Niels Gøtke, chair of FACCE JPI, says and elaborates:
“Food security and climate change are challenges that no single country can cope with alone. Working together in a JPI in the right way has huge potential for creating synergies and efficiency. It is important to constantly show added value to existing research activities and to reach the critical mass.”
Ìn his opinion FACCE can increase the scientific quality and research capacity and thus lead to synergy and complementarity.
The integrated FACCE-JPI strategic research agenda defines 5 core research themes:
- Sustainable food security under climate change, based on an integrated food systems perspective: modeling, benchmarking and policy research perspective
- Environmentally sustainable growth and intensification of agricultural systems under current and future climate and resource availability
- Assessing and reducing trade-offs between food production, biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Adaptation to climate change throughout the whole food chain, including market repercussions
- Greenhouse gas mitigation: nitrous oxide and methane mitigation in the agriculture and forestry sectors, carbon sequestration, fossil fuel substitution and mitigating GHG emissions induced by indirect land use change