FACCE SURPLUS Status Seminar of Projects of the 2nd and 3rd Call

The End-Term Meeting of FACCE SURPLUS 2nd call, the mid-term meeting of projects of FACCE SURPLUS 3rd call and a valorisation workshop will be held from Tuesday, 28 till Wednesday, 29 September 2021. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will be held digitally.

Different aspects of food and non-food biomass production and transformation systems will be covered:

The 8 projects in the 2nd Call (2017-2021) of this network aim at developing small-scale bio refining. Researchers assess opportunities to valorise chicory, barley straw, or other crop waste, develop methods to use the whole plant, or technologies to extract useful molecules. The 6 research projects of the 3rd call (2019 ongoing) were selected in order to complete the portfolio of projects and fill remaining research gaps. Their portfolio includes cascade waste conversion, biorefinery solutions, optimising biomass production on marginal soils and bioenergy crops amongst other topics.

The conference comprises the following events:

-       Status seminar of 2nd & 3rd call: Researchers will present their projects, their key findings and further outcomes.

-       They will meet stakeholders during a Valorisation workshop and discuss further ways on how to enhance their impact.

-       A Horizon Europe Info Event on new funding opportunities for researchers and an internal FACCE SURPLUS meeting to discuss the way forward will follow.


For more information on the programme you can download the draft agenda: https://fz-juelich.sciebo.de/s/tQcPqfiPzAOpG3U

The meeting will be a closed event. Please contact Stefanie Margraf (s.margraf@fz-juelich.de) for information about a potential participation.


We look forward to meeting you all virtually!

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