Research projects 1st call

In November 2015, 14 projects were selected to receive funding in the frame of the FACCE SURPLUS ERA-NET 1st call.

On these pages, you will find more information on the projects.



Developing Ni agromining on ultramafic land in Europe. 

Serpentine (ultramafic) outcrops in Europe cover over 10,000 km2 of low fertility and low productivity, making them unattractive for traditional agriculture.  AGRONICKEL aims to implement agroecosystems which can lead to better soil resource efficiency and to offer a fully integrated, new agromining agriculture.

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Modifying canopy architecture and photosynthesis to maximize barley biomass and yield for different end-uses.  

BarPLUS will identify genes, alleles and lines needed to increase barley plant biomass, without penalty on grain yield, in the agro-climatic and management scenarios predicted for 2030 in Southern and Central Europe.

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New integrative sustainable system from C4 photosyntetic miscanthus to biological synthesis of valuable C4 compounds. 

BioC4 will focus on developing technologies around‘bio-isobutanol’, a powerful compound platform from which multiple products with high market potential can be launched.  The aim is to develop an industrial isobutanol production process.

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Intensify production, transform biomass to energy and novel goods and protect soils in Europe. 

INTENSE will contribute to reconverting poor, abandoned and polluted sites into sustainable agricultural production across Europe. Innovative systems-based tools for the development and implementation of integrated food and non-food production serving for intensified land management of these land areas will be constructed.

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Miscanthus biomass options for contaminated and marginal land: quality, quantity and soil interactions.  

The primary objective of this project is to develop techniques for biomass production on marginal land in Europe.

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ModellIng solutions for improved and Resilient mAnagement strategies for Olive tree against future CLimatE change. 

The aim of this project is to provide accurate tools to test the effectiveness of adaptation/mitigation management strategies to support long-term investment decision making on olive-tree cultivation across the Mediterranean under current and future climate.

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Predicting and enhancing the Resilience of European Agro-ecosystems to environmental change using crop Rotations.

The aim of PREAR is to devise validated, practical and stakeholder-acceptable rotational cropping systems that assure stable agro-ecosystem service provision and are resilient in the face of climate change.

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Novel Pathways of Biomass Production: Assessing the Potential of Sida hermaphrodita and Valuable Timber Trees. 

SIDATIM will assess and model the economic and ecological potentials of growing Sida in combination with valuable timber trees as a means to foster an intensified but also a diversified agriculture on a local and a regional scale in different European countries.

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Assessing options for the SUSTainable intensification of Agriculture for integrated production of food and non-food products at different scales.

The overarching aim of SUSTAg is to identify both generic and location-specific  SI (Sustainable Intensification) pathways and options at the global/European and case study level to build a competitive European bioeconomy.

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Innovative and sustainable intensification of integrated food and non-food systems to develop climate-resilient agro-ecosystems in Europe and beyond. 

The main objective of SustainFARM is to enhance agronomic, environmental and economic performance of integrated food and non-food production systems (IFNS) by optimizing productivity and valorizing woody components, residual wastes and co-products.

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Separation of weeds during harvesting and hygienisation to enhance crop productivity in the long term. 

SweedhartThe project project aims at studying concepts to reduce the weed pollution of fields with a concurrent benefit via biomass utilization. The project outcome will provide a catalogue of successful, sustainable measures to hamper the weed pollution of fields to counteract the growing problems of herbicide resistant and invasive weeds.

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Targets for Sustainable And Resilient AgricultureTSARA

This project investigates means to support and develop pathways to delivering to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and targets.

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Viable InTensification of Agricultural production through sustainable Landscape transition.

The project explores transition processes of European agricultural systems towards sustainably intensified production. VITAL identifies how differences in agricultural systems lead to, or inhibit, alternate transition processes of SI.

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Toward a sustainable viticulture: Improved grapevine productivity and tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses by combining resistant cultivars and beneficial microorganisms.

The project aims to produce a resilient viticultural system able to speedily recover from biotic and abiotic stresses.

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