It’s a Cofund
FACCE Surplus is funded as a new ERA-NET action under Horizon 2020: The ERA-NET Cofund, which merges the previous ERA-NET and ERA-NET Plus. The central element of an ERA-Net Cofund is the compulsory element of implementing one call with the so called top-up funding from the European Commission. A development of the previous ERA-NET and ERA-NET Plus.

This instrument, European Research Area, has developed under the Commission since 2002 and works to stimulate transnational research- and development programmes within the EU member states. Ideally achieving synergies and ensuring better utilization of national resources for research.
Read about the ERA-NET Cofund FACCE SURPLUS
The ERA-NET initiative was implemented back in 2002 as part of the 6th Framework Programme (FP6) and has since become increasingly popular globally. Therefore, the ERA-NET instrument was continued in the 7th Framework Programme (FP7), now with the opportunity of forming an ERA-NET Plus, in which the Commission supports the research activities instead of the network itself.
And now, under Horizon 2020 the ERA-NET Cofund is implemented. The focus here has shifted from funding of the networks to the top-up funding of single joint calls for transnational research and innovation in selected areas with high European added value and relevance for Horizon 2020. Meaning, this type of action is funded through a grant which main focus is to supplement individual calls or programmes funded by Member States - other than Union funding bodies, managing research and innovation programmes.
Compulsory element of the co-funded call
- Flexibility for the consortium to decide on the financing of the call budget and its implementation and management
- Large degree of flexibility for consortia to decide on additional activities
- Simplified reimbursement of costs with unit costs for additional activities
- Possibility to use ERA-NET for institutional programmes / in-kind contributions
- Tailor-made Model Grant Agreement, annexes, forms, proposal templates (see afternoon presentations)
- Simplified reporting with 2RP and a single financial reporting
Source: European Commission