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The organic sector is knowledge intensive and innovative by default, and organic innovations are relevant for the whole food system, driving…
The huge online database "Organic Eprints" was developed 20 years ago, and soon after, it was closely associated to the first CORE Organic Programme.
Defoliated stems or squeezed pulp from legumes forages are high in moisture and low in sugars and not likely to be well preserved by ensiling. If…
The EU FarmBook is a new online platform, which will bring together the practical farming and forestry knowledge produced by EU multi-actor projects…
Researchers and organic pig producers from eight European countries have developed measures that aim to increase animal health and welfare of organic…
To prevent health problems, calves should be fed only high-quality colostrum containing at least 50 g/L of immunoglobulins. A study, carried out…
As part of the ProYoungStock project, on-farm trials were conducted on two commercial organic dairy farms in Sweden. Cows on both farms were…
As part of the ProRefine project, the PremAlfa Mini leaf stripping machine was tested in mixed leys of grass and red clover in Northern Sweden.…
The GREENRESILIENT project (Organic and bio-dynamic vegetable production in low-energy GREENhouses – sustainable, RESILIENT and innovative food…
The project DOMINO was meant to increase biodiversity and use of organic residues, reducing external inputs and improving sustainability in intensive…
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Core organic report on 15 years of joint research for organic food and farming systems (2004-2019)
Main coordinator: Ivana Trkulja, ICROFS Editor of news items: Karin Ullven, Epok Website/newsletter design: Christine Dilling, ICROFS
CORE Organic Cofund projects Get a quick overview of all the CORE Organic Cofund projects