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Special note for C-IPM stakeholders regarding a new Strategic Research Agenda
The ERA-net C-IPM is setting the stage for a coordinated effort to prepare calls for research and knowledge exchange in integrated pest management…
A C-IPM research and development workshop will be held at the Hotel Novotel Poznan in Poland back to back with the PURE congress on 13 January 2015.…
The first ERA-net C-IPM workshop focused on current and future challenges for IPM with special regard to policy, market, research, and climate change.…
C-IPM workshop to be held in Berlin 8 October 2014
The C-IPM flyer gives a brief overview of the ERA-net C-IPM.
A workshop will address the globally important issues of food security, food safety and food quality in relation to integrated pest management.
One of the work packages in C-IPM focuses on identifying long-term research priorities for developing practical integrated pest management solutions…
You can now subscribe to a new newsletter regarding coordinated integrated pest management.
A new EU project will help coordinate the European research efforts in integrated pest management. Ministries and research institutions from 21…
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