Reminder: Future challenges for IPM in a changing agriculture

C-IPM workshop to be held in Berlin 8 October 2014

On the 8th October 2014 in Berlin C-IPM will hold a workshop on “Future challenges for IPM in a changing agriculture”. The overall objective is to identify and address long-term needs and strategies for national and transnational IPM research programmes and ensure the emergence of cutting edge, far-sighted and innovative approaches.

Four different talks will address some of the major issues affecting agriculture in the future. These talks will be followed by a “World Café” in which the participants will discuss four topics and their potential role as a driving force for the implementation of IPM in European agriculture. The topics are:

1. How will the pesticide policies affect the availability of plant protection products in the EU and how can IPM mitigate possible side effects?

2. How will the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) with its incentives to protect natural resources and greening initiatives affect crop protection practices?

3. How will global climate change affect the distribution and impact of native and invasive pests on crop production and does IPM have a role to play in the adaptation of agriculture to climate change?

4. Will the preferences of the consumers influence the implementation of IPM in the future? 


Expected audience

The workshop targets a wide range of resource groups, including policymakers, retailer and consumer organizations, and research scientists.


Further information

Full programme and further details of the workshop can be found here.

For more information please contact: Professor Per Kudsk, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark,

Deadline for registration was 30 September 2014. 


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