Strategic Research Agenda for Integrated Pest Management in Europe

Special note for C-IPM stakeholders regarding a new Strategic Research Agenda

A workshop regarding a new strategic research agenda for integrated pest management is scheduled for 18 March, 2015.

C-IPM is currently preparing a strategic research agenda (SRA) for integrated pest management in Europe. The SRA will be available by the end of February on the C-IPM website for public consultation. C-IPM partners will be informed once the SRA is available on the C-IPM website

Moreover, in order to gather input for the SRA, we will be conducting a European stakeholder workshop.

The workshop will take place on 18 March, 2015 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at AgroParisTech, 16 rue  Claude Bernard in Paris, France.

You can find further information about the workshop and register for it here.

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