European collaboration on integrated pest management
A new EU project will help coordinate the European research efforts in integrated pest management. Ministries and research institutions from 21 countries are represented in the project.
A new project has been launched in the European Union with the aim of coordinating research activities regarding integrated pest management in Europe. This is an ERA-NET (European Research Area – Network) project called C-IPM, which stands for “Coordinated Integrated Pest Management”.
All the 32 partner organisations, including agricultural ministries and research institutions, from 21 European countries are participating in C-IPM, which has been granted € 2 million from the EU’s ERA-NET scheme.
ERA-NETs typically aim to set a strategic research agenda as well as organise and implement transnational calls. The synergies created are expected to boost the effectiveness of research efforts.
- C-IPM will be putting a special emphasis on knowledge transfer and extension. This emphasis is necessary because IPM is a dynamic and continuous process which needs to be adapted to local agro-ecosystems. Indeed, the implementation of IPM involves a wide range of actors, including farmers and extension services, says the project’s coordinator Antoine Messéan from INRA (National Institute for Agricultural Research), France.
Continent-wide challenge
Europe faces the challenge of responding to the mandatory implementation of the principles of integrated pest management. Most European countries are investing in research and extension to address this challenge which aims to reduce reliance on pesticides and risks associated to their use.
Added value and synergies can be created by coordinating such national research and extension efforts and by pooling existing resources. To this end, C-IPM will:
- create a forum for exchange and identification of IPM research and development priorities
- provide recommendations on national and European research
- connect existing initiatives
- coordinate joint transnational research calls
Facts about C-IPM
Full name: Coordinated Integrated Pest Management
Participants from:
21 countries
32 organisations involved
Funding from ERA-NET scheme: € 1.998.228
Total budget: € 2.484.982
Facts about ERA-NET
Full name: European Research Area Network
An EU scheme that aims to:
- Set a strategic research agenda
- Organise and implement transnational calls
- Boost effectiveness of research efforts
Facts about IPM
Full name: Integrated Pest Management
IPM is a diversified approach to economic and environmentally aware crop protection that integrates a wide range of strategies, tactics, technologies and approaches.
For further information please contact:
Antoine Messéan, National Institute for Agricultural Research, INRA, France, e-mail:
Or go to the C-IPM website:
C-IPM will publish a newsletter regarding issues related to coordinated integrated pest management in Europe. If you are interested in subscribing to this newsletter, you are welcome to subscribe to it here.