New! Final programme for the C-IPM R&D workshop

A C-IPM research and development workshop will be held at the Hotel Novotel Poznan in Poland back to back with the PURE congress on 13 January 2015. See the final programme.

The C-IPM R&D workshop wil be held in Poznan, Poland. Foto: Colourbox

At the C-IPM R&D worshop different histories of IPM research in the EU Member States will be the main focus topics of the workshop.

In particular, organization of IPM research in the different countries of Europe, major topics addressed and the translation into practice of research outcomes will be discussed during the first session. The second session will be devoted for the discussion on IPM research methods/approaches (specific vs. holistic) and the role of infrastructures and socio-economic drivers on IPM implementation throughout the Member States.

Target audience

The workshop mainly targets the C-IPM partners (research programme owners and managers) and stakeholders. Stakeholders are expected to provide relevant feedback on the topics of the workshop as well as overall C-IPM activities.

Further information

The final programme of the workshop can be found here

For the logistic information to reach the workshop venue please click on the PURE project website here.

To register for this workshop please click here.

Please note that deadline for registration is 22 December 2014.

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