This workshop brings together for the first time people and groups at Aarhus University with an interest in citizen science, broadly understood to include crowd-sourced science, public participation in science, public engagement with science, scientific citizenship, patient and public involvement and more.
We are looking to connect researchers, students, research librarians and others in order to get an overview of what's already going on in the field of citizen science at Aarhus University. We also want to think ahead and talk about how networking activities might help you to do more and better citizen science in the future.
Please sign up for the workshop, if you are already working in the citizen science field or if you are simply keen to learn more about citizen science @ AU. It's free and will be fun.
When you register, please indicate if you would like to present your and your group's citizen science activities. We will allocate slots in the first half of the program based on the number of expressions of interest.