Aarhus University Seal

Resources, networks and links

This page contains links to resources and networks that might be helpful in various ways to citizen science researchers and other university staff. Networks are great ways to find new collaborators and exchange knowledge. Practical guides for planning and implementing citizen science projects might be most useful to researchers exploring citizen science as a methodology for the first time. And the links to resource repositories may prove useful to anyone. 

Selected individual resources

Aarhus Citizen Science Guide. Aarhus Municipality has run pilot citizen science projects and this guide presents their lessons learned (in Danish).

Best Practice Guides. Great resources from the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, including Guide to Citizen Science and A Strategic Framework... that has a flowchart of important questions if you are considering setting up and running a citizen science project (in English).

Repositories or collections of resources

EU-citizen.science platform. This platform gathers lots of links to citizen science resources, training materials, MOOCs, events, blog, projects, and organisations involved in citizen science. Run by the European Citizen Science Association.

Conference Proceedings from our Engaging Citizen Science Conference in Aarhus 2022. 


National and regional networks exist in many countries and on most continents. Here are the main ones. 

European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)

Citizen Science Association - US-based

Citizen Science Asia

Australian Citizen Science Association

Red Iberoamericana de Ciencia Participativa (RICAP) - Network for Portugal, Spain and Latin America

Citizen Science Africa Association - still in the process of being set up

A list of national initiatives can be found here.