Today there is a lack of mandatory standards and indications for organic food processing within the EU.
ProOrg will develop a set of strategies and tools (Code of Practice) that can help organic food processors in the selection of appropriate technologies and innovations in line with the organic principles. It will give guidance for making the best choice for careful, minimal and mild processing methods.
The organic food market is rapidly growing and the organic food industry needs to develop and innovate to keep the pace. EC legislation regulates the use of food additives and processing aids. However, regulatory standards for organic food processing are lacking, as well as specifications that guide processors in the evaluation and selection of appropriate technologies and innovations in line with organic principles.
ProOrg will contribute to the sustainable innovation of the organic food sector through the development of a guide (Code of Practice) for processors of organic food.
ProOrg will allow for further improvements of organic food processing and support the development of new production methods. This will contribute to increase the competitiveness of the organic food industry, while guaranteeing consumers high quality food products with a limited number of additives and technological aids and a reduced impact on the environment.
An appropriate communication will provide a clearer transparency for organic foods and increase consumers’ confidence towards organic processed foods and the organic sector as a whole.
ProOrg is based on a participatory approach in which European organic processors, certification bodies, and other stakeholders will be directly involved in all the steps of the development, finalization and promotion of the CoP.