Aarhus University Seal


SESS involved active projects

PERA (EFSA) - Advancing the ERA of Plant Protection Products towards a system-based approach

  • Aiming to advance the methodology of environmental risk assessment (ERA) of plant protection products (PPPs).

EcoMetric (GUDP) - Building a framework for developing a dynamic metric to measure farmland biodiversity in a spatio-temporally changing landscape

  • Providing a framework for the development of a science-based system for quantifying biodiversity in agricultural landscapes managed for organic production, co-developed with key stakeholders, including authorities, retailers, investors and green NGOs.

PollinERA (HE) - Understanding pesticide-Pollinator interactions to support EU Environmental Risk Assessment and policy

  • Developing a population-level systems-based approach to risk and policy assessment considering multiple stressors and long-term spatiotemporal dynamics at a landscape scale and generating an open-database for pollinator/pesticide data and tools. 

SYBERAC (HE) - Towards a SYstems-Based, holistic Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemicals

  • Delivering the underpinning science, methods and tools that can support a transition of terrestrial chemical risk assessment into a systems-based environmental risk assessment designed to protect genetic and functional diversity and ecosystem services.

BETTER-B (HE) - Improving Bees' Resilience to Stressors by Restoring Harmony and Balance 

  • Improving the resilience of beekeeping to abiotic stresses and adapting modern beekeeping practices and decision making to processes and mechanisms that apply in nature.

BFOOD-DK (LBST) - Documentation of flower resource availability and optimization of location and density of honey bee hives in Denmark

  • Enhancing the understanding of floral resource use by honey bees in Danish landscapes, and inventigating options for optimizing the availability of resources (pollen and nectar) through the location and density of bee colonies.

ApisRAM (EFSA) Honey-bee colony model for risk assessment 

  • An important project with a high international visibility, it is developing highly detailed simulations of a honey-bee colony. 

Organic+ (GUDP) Demonstrating and improving the benefit of organic farming on biodiversity and the environment

  • Organic+ aims to use computer simulations and field monitoring to investigate landscape level changes in biodiversity following implementation of sustainable biodiversity enhancing measures in five case areas differing in landscape context and managed by three organic enterprises.  

Next generation flower strips (DEPA) - Next generation flower strips: crop-tailored mixtures for IPM and pollinators

  • This project aims to fill the flower strip knowledge gaps and make it possible to design species mixtures consisting of plants aimed at relevant pollinators and natural enemies.

MUSBERA (DEPA) - Implementation and communication of a MUltiple-Stressor Bee Environmental Risk Assessment

  • MUSBERA aims to define a method of implementing the new ERA approach and evaluate the implications for Denmark and populations of honey and solitary bees.

BatPER (DEPA) - Bat pesticide exposure risk in agricultural settings

  • This project aims to examine the potential risk of dermal and inhalation exposure for bats in Danish agricultural landscape habitats, including orchards.

SESS engages in several ongoing projects on national and international scale. The team collaborates with elite university partners, environmental proctection agencies and authorities, as well as skilled enterprises, consultancies and NGOs.
SESS takes part in projects funded by Danish and other national agencies and funding bodies, The European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA), and European Commission programmes as Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.