The PERA project main goal is to advance the methodology of ERA of PPPs by:
PERA is structured into four distinct work areas, each designed to achieve specific objectives and deliver the required tasks and outcomes:
AREA #1 Characterisation of the exposure of PPPs in different environmental matrices.
AREA #2 Characterisation of the hazards to terrestrial non-target organisms (NTOs) among different levels of biological organisation, and across species.
AREA #3 Investigating the use of mechanistic effect models, including population models in regulatory environmental risk assessment.
AREA #4 Exploring the integration and interconnection of data from different sources, methods, tools and objectives via the development of a common platform for risk assessments of PPP.
The project is led by Wageningen Research, with significant involvement from the AU SESS team during years 2 to 4 (2025-2028). AREA #3 is led by SESS Centre Leader and Professor Christopher Topping, while AREA #4 is headed by Researcher James Williams.
European Food Safety Authority