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PERA: Advancing the ERA of PPPs towards a systems-based approach

PERA aims to advance the methodology of environmental risk assessment (ERA) of plant protection products (PPPs). 

The PERA project main goal is to advance the methodology of ERA of PPPs by:

  • An improved characterisation of the exposure of PPPs in different environmental matrices
  • An improved characterisation of hazards to terrestrial NTOs among different levels of biological organisation and across species
  • Collecting information on methods and tools for regulatory RA
  • Exploring the integration and interconnection of data from different sources, methods, tools, and objectives.

PERA is structured into four distinct work areas, each designed to achieve specific objectives and deliver the required tasks and outcomes:

AREA #1 Characterisation of the exposure of PPPs in different environmental matrices.

AREA #2 Characterisation of the hazards to terrestrial non-target organisms (NTOs) among different levels of biological organisation, and across species.

AREA #3 Investigating the use of mechanistic effect models, including population models in regulatory environmental risk assessment.

AREA #4 Exploring the integration and interconnection of data from different sources, methods, tools and objectives via the development of a common platform for risk assessments of PPP.

The project is led by Wageningen Research, with significant involvement from the AU SESS team during years 2 to 4 (2025-2028). AREA #3 is led by SESS Centre Leader and Professor Christopher Topping, while AREA #4 is headed by Researcher James Williams.


James Henty Williams

Researcher Department of Agroecology - Agricultural biodiversity, Aarhus

Project duration    



European Food Safety Authority