Plant2Food kick-off event is fully booked - join us online!
The event has already attracted a lot of attention – thank you! All the seats are taken for the event. BUT: Due to the massive interest in the kick-off, we have now made the event available for streaming.
We are so excited to launch the Plant2Food platform, and with the less than a week to the kick-off event, here’s some info for you:
The conference will be a jumping-off point for a series of great collaborations - fostered by discussions of both challenges and opportunities, presentations and pitches from both industry and academia.
The event has already attracted a lot of attention – thank you! All the seats are taken for the event. BUT: Due to the massive interest in the kick-off, we have now made the event available for streaming. Follow the link to register for online participation.
#Plant2Food is a 5-year project sponsored by the #NovoNordiskFoundation anchored in a partnership of four universities and Food & Bio Cluster Denmark.
Our aim is to help accelerate the transition to a more plant-based future for our foods.
Read more on our website and stay tuned here on LinkedIn for future events and possible collaborations leading to a more sustainable, plant-based food system - healthy for both the planet and its population!