Frequently Asked Questions

On this page, you can read the answers to common questions about the Plant2Food platform and our funding opportunities. Questions and answers will be added ongoing.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, you are always welcome to contact the secretariat. 

Where do I apply for funding?

You can apply for funding for collaborative research projects on our online platform WorldLabs. 

It is free to sign up.

Join here.

On the platform, you will find tutorials to guide you through presenting ideas, participating I discussions and partnerships.

How do I create an application?

Once a project partnership is formed and you have created a project idea, you can apply for funding.
Funding applications are made digitally in WorldLabs using guidelines and templates facilitated by the Plant2Food secretariat. We will help you throughout the entire call.

Once you are registered on WorldLabs, you can find the funding opportunities and apply for funding for you prefered grant type.

- Register on WorldLabs here

- Find the funding opportunities on WorldLabs here

What are my funding opportunities?

We offer three different grant types. These are outlined in the table below.

You can read more about the funding opportunities here.

Projects must be finished 31/12/2027 at the latest.

Who can apply for funding?

Project collaborations must include tenured researchers and at least one or (preferably) more industry partners and collaborators from other partner universities.

Plant2Food will be open to any industrial partners, but no company can receive project funding.

The main applicant must be tenured researchers from one of the partner universities

- Aarhus University

- University of Copenhagen

- Danish Technical University

- Wageningen University & Research

Read more in our Guidelines

What does Open Innovation in Science mean?

Open Innovation in Science (OIS) is a scientific approach based on openness and shared knowledge between academia and industry in pre-competitive projects. It means that all parts contribute with knowledge and experiences and share their results openly. In this way all participants (and everyone following the process) have early access to new knowledge.

Because all foreground knowledge from the OIS-projects is shared openly and without patents, everyone is free to take this knowledge and bring it in to new (IP-project) projects and innovation. The result is that the innovation process is shortened significantly.

Who can participate in projects?


  • Project collaborations must include tenured researchers and at least one or (preferably) more industry partners and collaborators from other partner universities.
  • Partner universities include Aarhus University, DTU – Technical University of Denmark, University of Copenhagen and Wageningen University % Research.
  • Other universities and knowledge institutions can also participate in Plant2Food activities and projects.


  • All interested companies from the entire value chain within the food sector can participate. There are no membership fees.

Contact the Secretariat

Mette Damborg Hansen

Programme Manager, Plant2Food

Cathrine Depenau

Administrative Coordinator