Plant2Food Pitch Session w. Daniel Ibsen
Join the Plant2Food Pitch Session w. Daniel Ibsen (Postdoc, AU) on the topic: "Accelerating dietary FIBRE Diversification and Research Innovation for Well-being in Europe"

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w. Daniel Ibsen, Postdoc, Aarhus University
- Accelerating dietary FIBRE Diversification and Research Innovation for Well-being in Europe
"The agenda on green transition of diets in Europe has focused a lot on protein. But there is a food component with an even bigger health potential: Dietary fibre. But dietary fibre is not just dietary fibre, there are many types, and each has different health and manufacturing properties. Today, food production generates huge waste streams, including material with many different types of dietary fibre. By developing methods to efficient extract dietary fibres from waste products, we can increase of raw food materials, reducing land use and produce fibre combinations to increase dietary fibre diversity in food products. Our project aims to investigate: 1) how to extract dietary fibre from waste products by novel fermentation techniques to optimize land and crop use; 2) how to include extracted combinations of fibres in processed plant-based foods by understanding their physiochemical properties; and 3) test the human health effects of processed plant-based foods with a diversity of extracted fibres added."
NB: The pitch session will be recorded and made available online at Plant2Food on WorldLabs.