Plant2Food Privacy Policy
Last updated: 3 March 2025
How Plant2Food at Aarhus University, processes your Personal Data
This privacy policy explains how the research project Plant2Food, conducted by Aarhus University, processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Danish Data Protection Act.
Plant2Food at Aarhus University will process your personal information to perform the activities in the Plant2Food project. This Privacy Policy covers all of Aarhus University’s processing activities within Plant2Food mainly for events, handling of the review and application process and finally for evaluation and reporting activities.
The Digital Platform WorldLabs
The main part of AU’s processing of personal information within Plant2Food is conducted at a digital platform. The current digital platform for the Plant2Food community is hosted by WorldLabs. Anyone is welcome to create a profile and post their information at WorldLabs. Please note that this privacy policy applies to the processing of your personal information by Aarhus University in relation to Plant2Food. In addition, your personal data, if posted on WorldLabs, will be processed in accordance with the WorldLabs Privacy Policy.
1. The Data Controller
Aarhus University is the data controller for the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions, you can contact us at:
Aarhus University
Nordre Ringgade 1
DK-8000 Aarhus C
CVR no.: 31119103
Plant2Food is headed by Project Manager Mette Damborg Hansen who can be contacted at:
Phone: + 9350 8266
Address: Ny Munkegade 121, building 1521, office 214
2. What Personal Data Do We Process?
As part of this research project, we process the following categories of personal data:
We only collect data necessary for the purpose of conducting Plant2Food.
Please note: It is only allowed to post the abovementioned personal information on the WorldLabs platform. Aarhus University will review and delete any personal information posted revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation.
The personal data will come in our position when you enter it on WorldLabs, sign up for one of the Plant2Food events or in other ways e.g. if you via e-mail or phone provide Plant2Food with the information.
3. Purpose and Legal Basis for Processing
Your personal data is processed exclusively for the purpose of conducting Plant2Food. The purpose of Plant2Food is to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable, plant-based food system. We support open, patent-free and pre-competitive research projects on plant-based foods. Plant2Food is thus a project in the interest of society.
The legal basis for processing is GDPR Article 6(1)(e) (task carried out in the public interest, i.e., scientific research).
This means that your data is processed without the need for explicit consent, provided that adequate safeguards are in place to protect your rights and freedoms.
4. Processing Activities
We will process your personal data to conduct and fulfil the Plant2Food project. This means that we will process your data by:
4.1. Processing of your data om WorldLabs
The WorldLabs platform is used as a tool for network and ideation as well as for the online application and evaluation process.
We will process your data to:
If your personal data is posted on WorldLabs, it will, in addition to this privacy policy be processed in accordance with the WorldLabs Privacy Policy.
5. Sharing of Personal information
Your personal data posted on/submitted to the Plant2Food community on WorldLabs will be open and accessible for other members of the Plant2Food community on WorldLabs. Plant2Food will conduct various matchmaking activities between academia and industry based on the personal information uploaded to Plant2Food.
Information shared on the Plant2Food community will only be visible to other community members and WorldLabs. Each community member is individual data controller processing the personal data for their own independent purposes and subject to their own privacy policy. Personal data accessed by the community members shall be used solely for conducting Plant2Food and shall be deleted upon the completion of the Plant2Food at the latest.
The Plant2Food secretariat is responsible for the administration of access to the Plant2Food community and can – at any time – exclude members from the community, if deemed necessary.
Plant2Food may share your personal information with Plant2Food partners in order to:
The Plant2Food partners will be individual data controllers and will process data for their own purpose. AU will, if relevant, transfer your personal data to the Plant2Food partners. You can find the list of current partners here. AU will solely transfer art 6, 1e information to the partners. Personal data transferred from AU to the partners shall solely be used for their participation in Plant2Food subject to confidentiality as regulated in the Plant2Food framework agreement.
Further, your personal data collected at Plant2Food in relation to application rounds will be processed by one or more external data controllers in the form of:
6. For how long do we store your other personal data?
Your data will be stored securely and only for as long as necessary for the research purpose. Your personal data posted on/submitted to the Plant2Food will be stored as long as you have an active user on WorldLabs. See also the general WorldLabs Privacy Policy
7. The rules of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Danish Data Protection Act.
We are entitled to process your personal data pursuant to the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Danish Data Protection Act. When doing this, we are obligated to inform you about the rules that apply to our work with your personal data.
Article 6(1)(e) entitles Aarhus University to process non-sensitive personal data about you without your consent, because the project is a task carried out in the public interest and because processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of the project. Plant2Food follows AU’s internal guidelines for safety regarding the handling of personal data as described here:
8. Your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation
You have the following rights if Aarhus University processes your personal data as part of a project carried out in the public interest:
Right not to be subject to an automatic decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling. Note that your rights may be limited by other legislation or be subject to exemptions, e.g. in relation to research and the exercising of public authority.
9. Data Protection Officer of Aarhus University
You can contact Aarhus University’s data protection officer, Karina Søndergaard, if, as a data subject, you have any questions concerning our processing of your personal data. E-mail:
You can also send a letter to Aarhus University, Nordre Ringgade 1, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Attn.: Data Protection Officer.
10. The Danish Data Protection Agency
If you wish to complain about the processing of your personal data, you can do so by contacting the supervisory authority:
The Danish Data Protection Agency
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
DK-2500 Valby
Phone Number: +45 3319 3200 E-mail: Web: