The Nordic EMBL Partnership is now seeking PHD students in Molecular Medicine
As part of the joint Nordic EMBL Partnership call for PhD students, we are seeking outstanding candidates for PhD positions at DANDRITE, FIMM, NCMM and MIMS.

The Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine is a unique association of four national research centres that run complementary translational molecular medicine research in the Nordic countries using the operational model and core principles of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). The national research centres are hosted by Universities in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden and together strive to strengthen the Nordic and global biomedical research community. Each partner brings a unique set of field expertise, skills, and core facilities incorporating research strengths within molecular, cellular and developmental biology, human genetics, bioinformatics and structural biology. NCMM’s proficiency in molecular mechanisms of disease, MIMS’ focus on microbial pathogenicity and molecular infection medicine, FIMM’s expertise in human genomics and medical systems biology and DANDRITE’s strength is in neurobiology and structural biology. By combining the complementary strengths of the centres including biobanks, health registries, industrial collaborations and core facilities, the partnership has created a vibrant and open Nordic collaboration in translational molecular medicine research united to tackle some of the biggest challenges of biomedicine today.
Download Call for PhD students in Molecular Medicine 2020 here.
Visit the Nordic EMBL Partnership website for more information.
Also, visit DANDRITE, FIMM, NCMM and MIMS to learn more about the individual institutes, their research and facilities