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Professor Olli Kallioniemi has been awarded a €2 500 000 Brain Gain grant for research into artificial intelligence in medicine. The five-year grant…
Two researchers at Umeå University have been awarded ERC Starting Grants – a research programme that aims to support promising young researchers at…
Duda Kvitsiani succeeded in exploring the brain's decision-making system, thereby contributing new knowledge to his field. He could not have achieved…
An international team of researchers has uncovered genetic factors that predispose women to a genetic phenomenon where some cells lose one of their…
Professor Oliver Billker is one of the newly elected EMBO Members on the 60th anniversary of EMBO, joining the community of more than 2,100 EMBO…
The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) welcomes Ryo Morimoto and Iker Valle Aramburu as new Group Leaders!
With the title "Impact of Maternal Obesity on Offspring’s Weight Regulation," Thomas Kim is among this round's grant recipients in the Causal Factors…
A low-fibre “Western diet” causes damage to the protective mucus barrier in the gut, and such damage can increase the risk of inflammation and…
It was three experienced role models who participated in the panel discussion about women's career advancement in clinical and basic neuroscience.…
In a fusion of scientific investigation and artistic expression, the Danish Science Festival 2024 kicked off with an unforgettable event at the…
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Members of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine will be hosted in Oslo in 2024 for the Annual Meeting.
New research from FIMM shows that the genetic risk for many diseases is affected by age and sex.
Researchers are blasting patients’ cancer cells with dozens of drugs in the hope of finding the right treatment.
Study reveals a significant association between early-life diseases and the likelihood of remaining childless throughout one's life.
"This novel approach opens doors to uncover the protective and detrimental factors that precede weight gain, offering valuable insights into how…
A new observational study from the University of Helsinki has found a strong influence of multiple family-related factors on adolescents’ and young…
New publication from the Sahu group at NCMM shows how 6 transcription factors can be used to convert fibroblasts into pancreatic cells.
NCMM Group Leader Biswajyoti Sahu and colleagues identify transposable elements that that show gene regulatory enhancer activity in liver and colon…
Fresh data from DANDRITE Group Leader Sadegh Nabavi and his lab provides novel fundamental insights into how the brain processes defensive behaviours…
A study, led by University of Helsinki, suggests that insomnia increases the risk of influenza and other respiratory infections and COVID-19 infection…
The dreaded tick-borne TBE virus infects different types of brain cells in different parts of the brain, depending on whether the sick person's immune…
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