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The Nordic EMBL Partnership tackles some of the biggest challenges in biomedicine today. Each institute brings a unique set of expertise and…
A team of researchers from the Universities of Newcastle and Umeå has discovered that a ribosomal protein exhibits a remarkable evolutionary…
For Anna Mathia Klawonn, knowledge is in constant motion, and to attain, it requires both hunger, hard work, some luck, and a little bit of…
The widely-used drug sensitivity score (DSS) developed at FIMM has been extensively upgraded for more robust quantification of selective drug…
After serving as the director for 10 years, Poul Nissen will take on the position of vice dean at Aarhus University at the beginning of the year.…
The NordForsk funded NORPOD program of the Nordic EMBL Partnership will nurture research collaboration for the benefit of human health.
A new study helps to identify children who are at the highest risk of a severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection and who would thus benefit…
Danish research will continue to benefit from the world-leading European powerhouse in molecular biology. The Danish Agency for Higher Education and…
In order to promote and scale up artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for health, a new United Nations initiative spearheaded by three UN…
PhD student from University of Helsinki collaborates with UCEM to identify a novel player of peroxisomal biogenesis.
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The female sex hormone oestrogen may have some protective effect against becoming seriously ill and dying in COVID-19, according to a registry study…
An international consortium of leading migraine scientists identified more than 120 regions of the genome that are connected to risk of migraine. The…
Analysing molecular characteristics and their variation during lifestyle changes, by combining digital tools, classical laboratory tests and new…
A group of Nordic researchers has discovered a novel immune deficiency disease affecting the regulation of the immune system. A mutation in the IKZF2…
A functional precision medicine study conducted in Finland demonstrates that treatment selection based on results from drug sensitivity testing of…
Latest work from the Bionanotechnology and Membrane Systems group, led by Irep Gözen, has been shared in two pre-prints.
The genetic makeup of an individual contributes to susceptibility and response to viral infection. While environmental, clinical and social factors…
COVID-19 is a complex disease targeting many organs. Previous studies highlight COVID-19 as a probable risk factor for acute cardiovascular…
Fresh uncultured tumor-derived epithelial cells (FUTCs) are amenable for drug testing.
Profiling of lung tumor and matched normal cells identifies…
Bacterial pathogens have to cope with stressful environments in human host. Their response with the activity of gene products enables them to adapt to…
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