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A warm welcome to the 2021 FIMM-EMBL & DSHealth International PhD Programme students! This energetic and ambitious group of junior scientists can’t…
New grants from the The Swedish Research Council will allow SciLifeLab platforms and units to double screening capacity, acquire high-end instruments…
An international group of researchers has made a groundbreaking discovery that could lead to new insights into the blueprint of identical twins. The…
This year's DANDRITE Retreat will be a 2-day event taking place from 30 September - 1 October.
The first 2021 Autumn webinar is aimed at early-career researchers who are curious about clinical research and medical affairs positions. Two former…
The 4th Annual CryoNET Symposium will, through a panel of distinguished speakers, highlight the latest discoveries facilitated by cryo-EM research and…
The Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) has for several years been spearheading Pharma collaborations from the University of Helsinki. The…
Latest work from the Bionanotechnology and Membrane Systems group, led by Irep Gözen, has been shared in two pre-prints.