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The widely-used drug sensitivity score (DSS) developed at FIMM has been extensively upgraded for more robust quantification of selective drug…
After serving as the director for 10 years, Poul Nissen will take on the position of vice dean at Aarhus University at the beginning of the year.…
The NordForsk funded NORPOD program of the Nordic EMBL Partnership will nurture research collaboration for the benefit of human health.
A new study helps to identify children who are at the highest risk of a severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection and who would thus benefit…
Danish research will continue to benefit from the world-leading European powerhouse in molecular biology. The Danish Agency for Higher Education and…
In order to promote and scale up artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for health, a new United Nations initiative spearheaded by three UN…
PhD student from University of Helsinki collaborates with UCEM to identify a novel player of peroxisomal biogenesis.
The FinnGen research consortium has successfully collected and generated genomic data from 500,000 individuals. Now, the project will continue its…
Finnish Nordic EMBL partner node, FIMM, hosts the 12th annual Nordic EMBL Partnership meeting in Helsinki between 11-14 September
Charlotte Boccara, Group Leader at NCMM, is awarded 1.5 million euros for the project SleepCog. The aim is to determine how important sleep is for the…
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A new article from NCMM’s chemical neuroscience group published in Epilepsia sheds light on the early mechanisms underlying seizure onset in Dravet…
New article published in Nature entitled “ATP13A2 deficiency disrupts lysosomal polyamine export” sheds light on a defective lysosomal polyamine…
The new study, published this week in the open access journal Cell Communication and Signaling, was led by the autophagy team at NCMM.
Researchers at Umeå University (Sweden), in collaboration with researchers at the University of Maryland and Duke University (USA), now for the first…
NCMM group leader Irep Gözen recently published a perspectives article in ACS Nano, where she presents a new hypothesis for how cells were first able…
Latest research from the group led by Keisuke Yonehara at DANDRITE has recently been published in peer-reviewed scientific journal “Current Biology”.…
New work from the group led by Nikolina Sekulic at NCMM has been published in EMBO Reports. The study sheds light on the structure of nucleosomes…
A research team lead by MIMS/SciLifeLab research group leader Jonas Barandun uses cryo-electron microscopy to provide near atomic details of the…
Assistant Professor Jing Tang, a principal investigator of the Network Pharmacology group at FIMM and at the UH Faculty of Medicine has led the…
The study was conducted by research groups lead by Jing Tang at the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), Helsinki Institute of Life…
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