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EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) at Hinxton, UK, has created the COVID-19 Data Portal to help coordinate viral genome sequence data…
Grant awarded as part of Nordic Research Infrastructure Hubs call
Denham group at DANDRITE and colleague researchers have developed a new stem cell line (DANi-011A) from a Parkinson’s disease (PD) patient carrying a…
The partnership nodes are committed to providing a safe work environment for their staff. New measures and activities are taken into action by the…
The Danish Society for Women in Science (DANWISE) is a non-profit organization to address gender inequality in Denmark, representing women from…
The new study, published yesterday in Nature Communications, was led by experts in behavioural genetics and circuit neuroscience in Drosophila at…
A recent publication by Lindner et al. entitled; “Cell death induced by the ER stressor thapsigargin involves death receptor 5, a non-autophagic…
Andrea Ganna is a FIMM-EMBL Group Leader at the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland at the University of Helsinki. He specializes in statistical…
The new study, published this week in Nature Communications, was led by the neural circuitry team at DANDRITE. The researchers’ findings are important…
Dr Sandra Lopez-Aviles joined NCMM in 2011. Her research focusses on understanding the mechanisms controlling cell cycle progression. In this profile…
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