Jörg Römbke: SETAC Europe Conference in Barcelona (Spain). Chair (together with Rick Scroggins, Canada; Mark Maboeta (South Africa) and Cintia Niva (Brazil)) of a session entitled “Soil Ecology and Ecotoxicology: Pillars Supporting the Conservation of Soil Biodiversity” under the overall heading “Ecosystem responses and services under multi-stress conditions”, May 2015.
Andriuzzi, W.S., Ngo, P., Geisen, S., Dumack, K., Bolger, T., Bonkowski, M., Rumpel, C., Schmidt, O. The drilosphere of anecic earthworms: A hotspot of biochemical and biological activity. Poster presentation at the BGI Symposium (Leipzig, Germany), October 2014.
Andriuzzi, W.S., Bolger, T., Faber, J., Brussard, L.C., Schmidt, O. Earthworm functional diversity affects organic matter incorporation in soil, plant N acquisition and plant growth. X International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology (Athens, GA, USA), June 2014. Oral presentation.
Aslam, U, Termansen, M, Fleskens, L . Evaluating farmers’ preferences for provision of climate regulation in UK farmlands: A choice experiment approach. WCERE Istanbul, June, 2014
De Groot, A., Laros, I., Dimmers, W., Beentjes, K., Doorenweerd, C., Faber, J. Monitoring soil microarthropod diversity using high throughput (E)DNA metabarcoding tools. Poster at the "DNA metabarcoding workshop" in Trömsø, Norway. 3-6 April 2014. See poster here.
De Groot, A., Laros, I., Dimmers, W., Beentjes, K., Doorenweerd, C., Faber, J. Monitoring mite diversity in European soils using high throughput (E)DNA barcoding tools. Poster at the NAEM 2014 meeting (Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting). 11 February 2014. See poster here.
De Groot, A., Schmeltz, R., Stone, D., Geisen, S., Costa, D., Griffiths, B. Metabarcoding in EcoFINDERS: Objectives, current activities and methodological constraints. Oral presentation at Workshop “Metabarcoding of soil fauna”, side-event to the third Annual meeting of EcoFINDERS, 10 February 2014, Manchester, UK. See abstract here.
De Groot, A. Lecturing on faunal barcoding in EcoFINDERS Workshop - Selecting Indicators for Monitoring Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Wexford, Ireland on 7 and 8 April 2014.
Griffiths, B.S. Testing biological indicators for soil biodiversity and ecosystem function in relation to agricultural sustainability. Invited presentation, International Workshop on exploiting the soil microbiome for agricultural sustainability, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China. October 27-30, 2014. Oral presentation.
Griffiths, B.S., Römbke, J., Faber, J. Testing indicators for soil biodiversity and ecological function in the European FP7 project EcoFINDERS. SETAC 24th annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland 11-15th May, 2014. Oral presentation.
Griffiths, R.I. Large scale drivers of soil bacterial biodiversity. What are we linking? The 1st annual meeting of Cost Action FP1305 Biolink Reading University. November 2014.
Griffiths, R.I. Above- and belowground soil-plant-microbe interactions as drivers of biogeochemical cycling and soil functional diversity. UK SGM Focused Meeting: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Soil Microbiology. Loughborough September 2014
Griffiths, R.I., Keith, A., Read, D., Pywell, R., Shepherd, M., Spurgeon, D. Barcoding soil mesofauna – A feasible and informative technique for looking a soil fauna biodiversity. Soil Biodiversity - Progressing the Plan workshop Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester, UK. September 2014
Griffiths, R.I. Soil microbial taxonomic and functional indicators. EcoFINDERS workshop: Selecting Indicators for Monitoring Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. April 2014 Wexford, Ireland. Oral presentation.
Griffiths, R.I. Linking patterns of microbial taxonomic and functional diversity over soil gradients. Workshop: Jena experiment - Mechanisms underlying biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. May 2012 Jena, Germany. Invited oral presentation.
Hallin, S. Recently identified microbial guild as N2O sink - Lessons learned from genomes, metagenomes and soil microbial communities. 2nd Congress of Baltic Microbiologists, Tartu, Estonia, October 16-19, 2014. Invited keynote presentation.
Hannula S.E., Morrien E, van Veen JA. Fungi along a chronosequence of abandoned agricultural fields. Poster presentation at IMC10 (international mycological conference), Bangkok, Thailand, 2014.
Hannula S.E., Morrien E, van Veen JA. Fungi along a chronosequence of abandonned agricultural fields. IMC10 (international mycological conference). Oral presentation. Bangkok, Thailand. 2014.
Jørgensen, SL, Termansen, M. Market insurance vs self-insurance. Analysis of Danish Farmers (in prep). Oral presented at the Danish Environmental Economic Council, August, 2014
Kaisermann, A., de Vries, F.T., Thomson, B., Griffiths, R., Bardgett, R.D. Soil biotic legacy effects on the response of carbon cycling to drought. International congress, ISME 15, Seoul, South Korea, 24-29th August 2014. Oral presentation, page 81 of scientific program.
Kaisermann, A., de Vries, F.T., Thomson, B., Griffiths, R., Bardgett, R.D. Soil biotic legacy effects on the response of carbon cycling to drought. Meeting of the BES’s Plants, Soils, Ecosystems and Plant Environmental Physiology special interest groups. Manchester, UK, 16-17th October 2014. Oral presentation, abstract page 7 of scientific program.
Kaisermann, A., de Vries, F.T., Thomson, B., Griffiths, R., Bardgett, R.D. Soil biotic legacy effects on the drought response of microbial communities and carbon cycling. Annual meeting British Ecology Society and Société Française d'Ecologie, Lille, France, 09-12th December 2014. Oral presentation.
Kluvankova-Oravska, T. Ecosystems services as commons? Special session at 2014 3rd European IASC Meeting, From generation to generation: the use of commons in a changing society. See more here
Kluvankova-Oravska, T. Institutions and policies for ecosystem services in Europe. Special session at Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries. Organized by International Society for Ecological Economics. Iceland, 13. ‐ 15. August 2014. See more here
Konrad, M.T., Andersen, H.E., Gyldenkærne, S. Block-Hansen, L., Termansen, M. Synergies and trade-offs in water quality and climate change regulation services. Oral presented at the Danish Environmental Economics conference in August 2014
Krogh, P.H. 2014. The first annual meeting of the COST Action FP1305 Biolink. The role of soil invertebrates in forest ecosystems
Nainggolan, D., Hasler, B., Termansen, M., Andersen, H.E., Thomsen, M. Modelling cost-effective strategy for managing nutrient/water regulation and climate regulation services in the Baltic regions. BalticNest working group meeting, Jyllinge, Denmark, November 2014.
Römbke, J. SETAC Europe Conference in Basel (Switzerland). Chair (together with Rick Scroggins, Canada) of a session entitled “Soil Biodiversity and Ecotoxicology” with 18 talks and 38 posters. May 2014.
Schmelz, R.M., Pérez, M.G.E., Griffiths, R., Thomson, B., Collado, R., Römbke, J. Enchytraeid diversity in European soils and its relation to soil type and land use. 10th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology - ISEE 10 - Athens, Georgia, U.S.A., 23-27 VI 2014. Oral presentation.
Schmelz, R. M., Vierna, J., Vizcaíno, A., Perina, A., Collado, R., Römbke, J. Two are better than one: COI and H3 as DNA barcodes for enchytraeids (Oligochaeta). 10th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology - ISEE 10 - Athens, Georgia, U.S.A., 23-27 VI 2014. Poster presentation.
Schmelz, R.M., Pérez, M.G.E., Griffiths, R., Thomson, B., Collado, R., Römbke, J. Enchytraeid diversity in European soils and its relation to soil type and land use. 11th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae - ISE 11 - Haus Ohrbeck, Georgsmarienhütte near Osnabrück, Germany, July 25-27, 2014. Oral presentation
Schmelz, R.M., Vierna, J., Vizcaíno, A., Collado, R., Perina, A., Römbke, J. EcoFINDERS faunal sampling increases biodiversity knowledge: > 50 species of Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) new to science. 11th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae - ISE 11 - Haus Ohrbeck, Georgsmarienhütte near Osnabrück, Germany, July 25-27, 2014. Poster presentation
Schmelz, R.M., Vierna, J., Vizcaíno, A., Perina, A., Collado, R., Römbke, J. Two are better than one: COI and H3 as DNA barcodes for enchytraeids (Oligochaeta). 11th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae - ISE 11 - Haus Ohrbeck, Georgsmarienhütte near Osnabrück, Germany, July 25-27, 2014. Poster presentation.
Termansen, M., Hasler, B., Zandersen, M. Geographical mapping of ecosystem services and their economic values. The Danish Environmental Economic Council Conference. August 2014.
GSBI conference Dijon, France, December 2014
Andriuzzi, W.S., Pulleman, M.M., Schmidt, O., Faber, J., Brussaard, L. Can deep-burrowing earthworms counteract the effects of extreme rain events on soil and plants? Poster presentation.
Buee, M., Tisserant, E., Hannula, S. E., Fauchery, L., Plassart, P., Stone, D., Creamer, R., De Boer, W., van Veen, H., Martin, F., Lemanceau, P. Abundance, richness and structure of soil fungal communities across an European transect.
Faber, J., Pérès, G., de Groot, A., Krogh, P.H., Suhadolc, M., Jaensch, S., Keith, A.M., Schmidt, O., Andriuzzi, W., Chabbi, A. Impact of agricultural extensification on the relation between soil biodiversity and ecosystem services (soil structure maintenance, water regulation).
Hallin, S. Importance of community structure for GHG emissions - Lessons learned from genomes and metagenomes. First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dijon, France, December 2-5, 2014. (contributed oral presentation).
Jänsch, S., Graf, N., Lorenz, P., Sousa, J. P., Römbke, J. Preparation of a standard operating procedure for a functional method: the bait lamina test.
Kaisermann A., de Vries F.T., Thomson B., Griffiths R., Crabtree M., and Bardgett R.D. Lasting effect of recurrent drought on microbial community influences the response to drought of plant communities. Poster presentation.
Orgiazzi, A., Dunbar, M.B., Ballabio, C., Yigini, Y., Gardi, C., Panagos, P., Montanarella, L. A knowledge-based assessment of potential threats to different components of soil biodiversity”. Poster.
Rutgers, M, Gardi C. Orgiazzi, A., Römbke, J., Jänsch, S., Pérès,G., Keith, A., Schouten, T, Wijnen, H.v., Zwart, D.d. Soil Biodiversity Atlas: mapping earthworms of Europe. Poster at GSBI 1, December 2014. Dijon F. See more here
Römbke, J. Chair of a session entitled “Global harmonization of methods for structural and functional diversity of soil organisms: A GSBI Initiative” with 6 talks and discussion slot.
Winding, A., Rutgers, M., Creamer, R., Stone, D., Hendriksen, N.B. Functional soil microbial diversity across Europe estimated by EEA, MicroResp and BIOLOG. Poster presentation. See more here
Dote Stone, D., Creamer, R., Lemanceau, P., Sousa, j. P., Schmelz, R., Hendriksen, N. B., Hannula, E., Griffiths, R. Deploying a Transect to assess Soil Biodiversity and Ecological Function across Europe. Oral Presentation at conference: Soil’s Role in Restoring Ecosystem Services, session “Biodiversity and Ecological Sustainability”. Soil Science Society of America, Sacramento, California. 6th-9th March, 2014. Link to abstract
B. Griffiths, J. Römbke, J. Faber. Testing indicators for soil biodiversity and ecological function in the European FP7 project EcoFINDERS. SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, Basel, Switzerland, 11-15 May 2014. Link to poster
Kaisermann, A., de Vries, F.T, Thomson, B., Griffiths, R., and Bardgett, R.D. 2014. Soil biotic legacy effects on the response of plant growth to drought. Oral presentation at conference: 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME15), session “Carbon Cycling’. Seoul, South Korea. 24-29 August 2014. Read abstract.
Thion, C., Prosser, J.I. Differential response of non-adapted ammonia-oxidising archaea and bacteria to drying-rewetting stress. Oral presentation at conference: 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME15). Seoul, South Korea. 24-29 August 2014. Read abstract.
Andriuzzi WS, Ngo P, Geisen S, Dumack K, Bolger T, Bonkowski M, Rumpel M and Schmidt O (2014) The drilosphere of anecic earthworms: A hotspot of biochemical and biological activity. Poster presentation at: Biogeochemical Interfaces in Soil – Towards a Comprehensive and Mechanistic Understanding of Soil Functions (International Symposium of the German Priority Programme SPP 1315), Leipzig, Germany, 6–8 October 2014. Book of Abstracts p. 160. Link to poster presentationfileadmin/Walter_poster_BCI-DFG.pdf
Faber, J.H., Van der Hout, A., and De Lange, M. 2014. Functional diversity in earthworm communities changes with soil acidification. Int. Symp. Earthworm Ecol., Athens, USA, 2014-06-22 / 2014-06-27.
Andriuzzi, W.S., Ngo, P., Rumpel, C., Bolger, T., Faber, J.H., Brussaard, L., Schmidt, O. 2014. Earthworm functional diversity as a driver of OM incorporation in soil, plant N acquisition and plant growth. Int. Symp. Earthworm Ecol., Athens, USA, 2014-06-22 / 2014-06-27.
Griffiths, B., Römbke, J., Faber, J.H. 2014. Testing indicators for soil biodiversity and ecological function in the European FP7 project EcoFINDERS. In: Proceedings of the SETAC 24th Annual meeting, 11-15th May, 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
Römbke, J. and Sousa, J.P. Terrestrial Ecotoxicology Worldwide: a Comparative Analysis. Oral presentation at the XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ecotoxicologia (23 - 26. Setembro 2014) in Guarapari, Espirito Santo, Brazil. See presentation here.
Römbke, J. and Sousa, J.P. Strategic Lines for Advances in Terrestrial Ecotoxicology in Tropical Regions. Oral presentation at the XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ecotoxicologia (23 - 26. Setembro 2014) in Guarapari, Espirito Santo, Brazil. See presentation here.
Santos, S.S., Schöler, A., Winding, A. Effects of different land-use types on soil protist community. Poster presentation. See more here
Griffiths, R.I. TRFLP and 454 sequencing analyses of microbial communities. The LTOS EcoFINDERS workshop ''Bioinformatics pipelines for next generation sequencing amplicons analysis'. Nancy, September 2013.
Chapelle, E. et al. Metatranscriptomics of bacteria-fungi interactions in a naturally disease suppressive soil. Conference J. Monod – talk. Roscoff, France. December 2013.
Expósito, R.G., Jack, A., de Bruijn, I., Chapelle, E., Postma, J., Raaijmakers, J. Comparative metagenomics of disease suppressive soils. Oral presentation at 2nd Thünen SympoSium on Soil Metagenomics. Braunschweig, Germany, 11th – 13th December 2013.
Stone, D. Monitoring Soil Health: A Europe Wide Campaign to Establish The Normal Operating Range For Bio-Indicators Of Soil Biodiversity And Ecosystem Function. Oral presentation at “Digging Deeper” conference: Research Challenges in Plant-Soil Interactions. Teagasc, Ireland. 2nd-3rd October 2013
Lemanceau, P., Ramirez, K., Wall, D. Frameworks to improve our understanding of the distribution of global soil biodiversity. Global Soil Week, Berlin, October 2013. Link to presentation
B. S. Griffiths, R. Creamer, D. Stone, J. P. Sousa, J. Rombke, M. Bonkowski, R.D. Bardgett, J. Faber, M. Sudaholc. Testing indicators for soil biodiversity and ecological function in the European FP7 project EcoFINDERS. Indicators for soil biodiversity and function. 20th International Conference on Environmental Indicators, Sept 16th-18th, Trier, Germany. Link to abstract. Link to presentation soon.
Valentina Sechi, Lijbert Brussaard, Ron de Goede, Michiel Rutgers and Christian Mulder: Allometric scaling of soil food webs forecasts biotic interactions and trait-based ecosystem functioning, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Potsdam, Germany, 9-13 September 2013. Link to poster presentation
van der Putten, W. H. Are perennial crops more adapted to maintain long-term relationship with soils and, therefore, to sustainable production systems, soil restoration and conservation? Oral presentation at FAO, Rome, Italy. 29th August 2013.
Morriën, E., Hannula, S. E. and van der Putten, W.H. Soil biodiversity and nutrient cycling in a chronosequence of abandoned agricultural fields. Oral presentation. London UK. 23rd August 2013.
Bardgett, R.D. & van der Putten, W. H. Soil biodiversity and ecosystem function: recent advancement and new challenges. Conference session. London, UK. 20th August 2013
van der Putten, W. H. Soil biodiversity without borders. Key-note at Intecol. London, UK. 20th August 2013
van der Putten, W. H. Risks and opportunities of plant-soil interactions in a more biobased economy and other thoughts related to intercropping. Oral presentation in Beijing, China. 1st July 2013
Van der Putten, W. H. Recent advances in plant-soil feedback and possible consequences for intercropping. Oral presentation in Beijing, China. 29th June 2013
Faber, J. Lusignan ACBB-SOERE studies of earthworm diversity and soil micro-aggregate formation and water infiltration. Oral presentation at ExpeER Workshop Lusignan, Centre de recherche Poitou-Charentes, France. 27th-28th June, 2013
Krogh, P.-H. Lusignan ACBB-SOERE studies of spatial macropore distribution. Oral presentation at ExpeER Workshop Lusignan, Centre de recherche Poitou-Charentes, France. 27th-28th June, 2013
Chapelle, E. et al. Meta-transcriptomics of the rhizosphere microbiome: the quest for bacterial genera and traits involved in natural plant protection. Poster presentation at BAGECO12. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 9th-13th June 2013
Suhadolc, M. Soil quality and microbial community changes after a decade of different tillage at two Slovenian sites with different pedoclimatic conditions. Oral presentation at scientific conferences. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 9th-13th June 2013
Kaurin, A., Mihelič, M., Kastelec, D., Grčman H., Suhadolc, M., 2013. Soil quality and microbial community changes after a decade of different tillage at two Slovenian sites with different pedoclimatic conditions. Bageco 2013, 12th meeting on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology: proceedings of symposium, Ljubljana 9-13. June 2013, p. 107 (abstract). Poster presentation.
Bridging microbial community ecology and ecosystem functioning. L. Philippot. International meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea, Jeonju, Korea, May 1-3 2013.
Lijbert Brussaard: Trade-offs and synergies among (agro)biodiversity, food production and ecosystem services in the search for food and nutrition security. Joint workshop JPI-FACCE and ERANET Biodiversa, Paris, 5 March 2013. Link to oral presentation
Lijbert Brussaard: Biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes: what role for soils? Workshop on Soil Systems and Critical Zone Processes, Monte Verita (Ascona- Switzerland), 14-18 April 2013. Link to oral presentation
Lijbert Brussaard: Biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes: what role for soils? University of Córdoba, Argentina, 22 April 2013. Link to oral presentation
Lijbert Brussaard: Biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes: what role for soil ecology? Tercer Congreso Nacional de Ecología y Biología de Suelo – CONEBIOS III. Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina, 24-26 April 2013. Link to oral presentation
Bragalini, C. Towards an understanding of community assembly mechanisms of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in grassland soils. Poster at IX Incontro dei dottorandi in Ecologia e Scienze ambientali. Milano, Italy. 15th-18th April 2013.
Alterra-DLO. The effect of land use on biological soil quality, a case study on semi-arid Crete. Oral presentation at the Annual Ecology Meeting 2013, Lunteren, the Netherlands. 6th February 2013
Lijbert Brussaard: Traits and trait associations in biological communities as indicators for (changes in) ecosystem functioning and services. EcoFINDERS Traits workshop, Flörsheim, Germany, 18-19 February 2013. Link to oral presentation
Functional traits in microbial ecology: old wine in new bottle? L. Philippot. ESF Eurocores Ecological and Evolutionary Functional Genomics workshop Exploring the trait-based functional biodiversity approach, Wageningen, Netherlands, 11-13th February 2013.
ESEE 2013 Conference : Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics. 10th biennal conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics. June 2013
SPECIAL SESSION: FRAGILE GOVERNANCE. Chair: Tatiana Kluvánková-Oravská, CETIP Network and Centre of Excellence SPECTRA (tana@cetip.sk). Abstract
Fragile Governance. Environmental Governance Under the Complexity and Uncertainty. 2013. T. Kluvankova-Oravska, CETIP and CE SPECTRA at the Slovak University of Technology and Slovak Academy of Sciences. L. Sláviková CETIP and Economic University in Prague. Oral presentation
Management of External Shocks in Polycentric Urban Systems. 2013. M. Finka,T. Kluvankova-Oravska, CE SPECTRA at the Slovak University of Technology and Slovak Academy of Sciences and CETIP (maros.finka@stuba.sk). Oral presentation
Local or Global Commons? Application of Framework for Analysing SES for Soil Biodiversity at EU level. 2013. T. Kluvankova-Oravska, CETIP and CE SPECTRA at the Slovak University of Technology and Slovak Academy of Sciences (tana@cetip.sk), A. Udovc, Ljublana University, Slovenia. Oral presentation
6th International Oligochaete Taxonomy Meeting, Palmeira do Faro, Portugal, April 22 - 25, 2013.
Enchytraeid taxonomy hitch-hiking on big applied projects: The EcoFINDERS experience. 2013. SCHMELZ R. M., RÖMBKE, J., COLLADO R. Oral presentation
DNA sequences in Enchytraeidae taxonomy, a progress report. 2013. SCHMELZ R. M., COLLADO R., PORCO D., VIERA J., RÖMBKE J. Oral presentation
Identification and functional roles of amoeboid protozoa in soil. 2013. S. Geisen, M. Bonkowski. Conference of the German society for soil sciences September 20th and 21st in Stuttgart Hohenheim, germane. Oral presentation
Soil naked amoeba in rare environments: Enormous diversity of mostly unknown species. Stefan Geisen1, Johan de Jonckheere2, Cédric Barney3, David Bass3, Julia Walochnik4 and Michael Bonkowski1 Conference of the German society for protozoology in Switzerland: http://limnolserv1.uzh.ch/joomla/. Oral presentation
Identification and functional roles of amoeboid protozoa in soil. 2013. S. Geisen, M. Bonkowski. GfÖ, Arbeitskreis Experimentelle Ökologie - Workshop 2013 18-20 March 2013 at Plant Sciences (IBG-2), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. Oral presentation
Soil amoebae: Identification of new species and evaluation of the community structure. 2013. S. Geisen, J. F. De Jonckheere, A. Kudryavtsev, A. Smirnov, C. Berney, D. Bass, M. Bonkowski. 15th International Meeting on the Biology and Pathogenicity of Free-Living Amoebae, Vienna, Austrai, July 2013. http://www.meduniwien.ac.at/hp/flam-2013/ Oral presentation
Soil naked amoeba in rare environments: Enormous diversity of mostly unknown species. Geisen, S., Bonkowski, M. 2013. Oral presentation. Annual meeting of the German society for protozoology; Kartause-Ittingen, Switzerland
Identification and functional roles of amoeboid protozoa in soil. Geisen, S., Bonkowski, M. 2013. Oral presentation; GFÖ Meeting; Research station Jülich, Germany
Hallin, S. Denitrifying communities at global and local scales – ecological drivers and links to ecosystem functions. 4th EcoSummit, Columbus OH, USA, September 30-October 5, 2012. Invited oral presentation.
De Vries, F. Going underground: ecosystem functioning under global change. Oral seminar presentation at University of Liverpool. 12th November 2012
De Vries, F. Harnessing soil communities for N retention. Oral presentation at The University of Aberdeen, UK. 25th October 2012
L. Philippot. Bridging microbial community ecology and nitrogen cycling in soil. International Ecosummit 4th, Colombus, Ohio, USA, September 30-October 5, 2012.
De Vries, F. Harnessing soil communities for N retention. Oral presentation at The James Hutton Institute, Dundee, UK. 24th October 2012
De Vries, F. Controls on the stability of soil communities under a changing climate. Oral conference presentation. INTECOL, London, UK. 20th August 2012
Creamer, R. Soil biodiversity monitoring in Europe; linking biological indicators to soil ecosystem services. Oral presentation. XVI International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Coimbra, Portugal. 6th-10th Aug. 2012
Creamer, R. Europe under the Microscope: from Data to Directives. Oral presentation. XVI International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Coimbra, Portugal. 6th-10th Aug. 2012
De Groot, Arjen, Laros, Ivo, Dimmers, Wim, Beentjes, Kevin, Doorenweerd, Camiel, Faber, Jack: Monitoring mite diversity in European soils using high throughput e-DNA barcoding tools(poster nr. 8, p. 15). In: Third European Conference for the Barcoding of Life, Brussels, Belgium, 17 - 20 September, 2012. - Brussel : JEMU, Third European Conference for the Barcoding of Life, Brussels, Belgium, 2012-09-17/ 2012-09-21. Read abstract
Faber, J.H. 2012. Indicators for ecosystem services provided by soils. Brussel, Belgium: SETAC Special Science Symposium "Ecosystem Services: From Policy to Practice" (SESSS05), February 15-16, 2012
Lijbert Brussaard: Scientific scenarios for addressing trade-offs among food production, biodiversity and ecosystem services. Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE JPI) Mapping Meeting Assessing and reducing tradeoffs: food production, biodiversity & ecosystems services, 11–12 July 2012, Dublin, Ireland.
Lijbert Brussaard and Jack Faber: Soil Biodiversity and Agro-Ecosystem Services. University of Rennes, France, 14 June 2012.
Geisen, S., Weinert, J., Bonkowski, M. 2012. Protozoa in soils: a taxonomic and functional underestimated group of organisms. Poster presentation, “Crossroads in Biology”, Cologne, Germany.
Geisen, S., Bonkowski, M. 2012. Identification, functional roles and ecosystem services of protozoa in soil. Oral and poster presentation; Annual meeting of the German society for protozoology
Geisen, S., Bonkowski, M. 2012. Identification and functional roles of amoeboid protozoa in soil. Oral presentation; Workshop “Multitrophic interactions”, Göttingen, Germany and2012; Oral presentation; DBG workshop, Hohenheim, Germany
14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME14), 19. – 24. August 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Use of funtional traits to study microbial diversity. L. Philippot. International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME) 14, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-24 August 2012.
Extracellular Enzyme Activity assay as indicator of soil microbial functional diversity and activity. Hendriksen, N.B., Winding., A. (2012). Poster at ISME14: Extracellular enzyme activity assay as indicator of soil microbial functional diversity and activity
XVI International Colloquium of Soil Zoology, 6.-10. August 2012. Coimbra, Portugal.
Lijbert Brussaard and Thibaud Decaëns: Community Structure of Soil Invertebrate Ecosystem Engineers (termites, ants, earthworms and enchytraeids). Link to presentation
Frazão, J., Pulleman, M.M., Crittenden, S., Faber, J.H., Groot, J.C.J. and Brussaard, L. Spatial distribution and dispersal of earthworms in a complex landscape – implications for ecosystem services. Poster presentation. Link to presentation
Soil fauna and the provision of ecosystem services: a systems approach. Faber, J. 2012. Oral presentation.
Europe under the Microscope: from Data to Directives. Creamer, R. 2012. Oral presentation.
Macropores and earthworm species affected by agronomic intensification. Krogh, P.H.,Pérès, G. 2012. Poster presentation. Poster (Aug 2012): Macropores and earthworm species affected by agronomic intensification
Evaluation of collembolan trait performance as effect indicator of environmental change. Krogh, P.H., Petersen, H. 2012. Oral presentation. Link to presentation
EUROSOIL 2012. Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment. 4th International Congress of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS), 2-6 July, Bari – Italy
Ecosystem services provided by the soil biota. Brussard, L. 2012. Oral presentation at EUROSOIL 2012.
Selection of indicators of soil biodiversity for a European monitoring scheme. Griffiths, B. 2012. Oral presentation at EUROSOIL 2012.
Connecting soil biodiversity to functions and ecosystem services: presentation of case studies and of the EU project EcoFINDERS. Lemanceau, P., Bailey, M., Faber, J., Griffiths, B., Maron, P-A., Francis, M., Mougel, C; Philippot, L., Pascal, U., Pele, N., Ranjard, L., Winding, A. 2012. Oral presentation at EUROSOIL 2012.
A trial with ecosystem services in soil of four arable farms. Rutgers, M. 2012. Oral presentation at EUROSOIL 2012.
Nematodes as indicators of soil health and agricultural sustainability: possibilities of the method when applied at both a national and European level. Stone, D. 2012. Oral presentation at EUROSOIL 2012.
Erosion of biodiversity affects the stability of soil microbial communities. Tardy, V., Maron, P.-A., Ranjard, L., Leveque, J. Mathieu, O. Lemanceau, P. 2012. Oral presentation at EUROSOIL 2012.
Effects of land use intensity on European soil bacterial fungal and archael communities. Thomson, B. Oral presentation at EUROSOIL 2012.
6th SETAC World Conference, Berlin, Germany. 20.-24. May 2012
Monitoring microbial diversity in European soils: ongoing projects and challenges. Lemanceau, P., Arrouays, D., Baily, M., Buee, M., Creamer, R., Winding, A. 2012. Oral presentation at SETAC. Link to presentation + abstract
Science for the Environment, Environment for Society. October 2011, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soils. Winding, A., Lemanceau, P. 2011. Oral presentation. Oral presentation by Anne Winding, Aarhus University & Philippe Lemanceau, INRA-Dijon Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soils
Impact of functional microbial diversity on soil ecosystem services and assessment thereof. Winding, A., Johansen, A., Hendriksen, N. B. 2011. Oral presentation by Anne Winding et al. Aarhus University. Impact of functional microbial diversity on soil ecosystem services and assessment thereof
Diversity and Functions of Protozoa in Soils EcoFINDERS. Geisen, S., Bonkowski, M. 2011. Oral presentation. Oral presentation by Stefan Geisen, University of Cologne Diversity and Functions of Protozoa in Soils
Ecological properties of earthworm burrows in an organically managed grass-clover system. Krogh, P.H., Lamandé, M., Eriksen, J., Holmstrup, M. 2011. Oral presentation by Paul Henning Krogh et al. Aarhus UniversityLink . Ecological properties of earthworm burrows in an organically managed grass-clover system
Soil EcoSystem Services: Economic Issues. Termansen, M., Pascal, U. 2011. Oral presentation by Mette Termansen, Aarhus University & Unai Pascual, Cambridge University Soil EcoSystem Services: Economic Issues
Bagella S., Bianciotto, V., Caria, M.C., Girlanda, M., Lai, R., Ledda, L., Lumini, E., Orgiazzi, A., Rossetti, I., Seddaiu, G., Roggero, P.P. EcoFINDERS: linking soil trophic processes and above below ground diversity: the Mediterranean Long Term Observatories at Berchidda Monti (Sardinia). Poster at International Conference on Dryland ecosystem functioning and resilience: integrating biophysical assessment with socio economic issues. Alghero, Italy, 6. 8. July 2011. See more here
Lemanceau, P., Winding, A. 2011. Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soil Poster presenting the EcoFINDER FP7 project at Berchidda, August 2011. EcoFINDER - Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soil
Lemanceau, P. 2011. Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soil.Oral presentation in Bruxelles, July 2011.
Bryan S. Griffiths, B. 2011. Nematology in the provision of soil ecosystem services – nutrients and energy in the soil food web. Keynote presentation. 50th annual meeting of the Society of Nematologists, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. 17th – 20thJuly 2011. Presentation by Professor Bryan Griffiths, Teagasc, Ireland Nematology in the provision of soil ecosystem services: nutrients and energy in the soil food web
Poster: The multiple faces of soil biodiversity
Poster: The multiple faces of soil biodiversity functions
Poster at Biodiversity Symposia, 2011: Soil biodiversity
Poster Berchidda, Italy, 2011: Tutti Giù Per Terra
Ecological function and biodiversity Indicators in European Soils - Presented by Philippa Lemanceau (France) in Brussels, 2011.