Aarhus University Seal

Programme 3-4 November 2022

Day 1 - Thursday 3 November 2022

11:00 - 12:00 Registration with Coffee, Lunch, and Poster hang up

12:00 - 13:05              

Session 1 – Introducing EMBL, EMBO and DANEMO                                                               

By Rector Brian Bech Nielsen, Head of Dept. Molecular Biology and Genetics Erik Ø. Jensen, & Poul Nissen, Aarhus University

EMBL and the new strategic programme "Molecules to Ecosystems"
By EMBL Director General Edith Heard

EMBO and Denmark:​ connecting and supporting life scientists
By Maria Polychronidou, Training Coordinator and Senior Editor at EMBO

13:05 - 13:20 Coffee, Posters, and Networking

13:20 - 14:30 Session 2 – Presentation of EMBL Scientific Facilities on Imaging

Timo Zimmermann – Team Leader, EMBL Heidelberg 
Introducing the EMBL Imaging Centre

Elizabeth Duke – Team Leader, EMBL Hamburg 
Xray Imaging at EMBL Hamburg

Q&A to Scientific Facilities

14:30 - 15:00 Coffee, Brain Food, Posters, and Networking

15:00 - 16:25           Session 3 - Planetary Ecosystems

Paola Bertucci – Scientific Expedition Manager of TREC, EMBL Heidelberg
Introduction to EMBL research theme “Planetary Biology” 
Lecture title: "Traversing European Coastlines (TREC): Exploring ecosystems and their interactions across environmental gradients"

Antton Alberdi Estibaritz – Associate Professor, Globe Institute, Section for Hologenomics, University of Copenhagen 
Lecture title: "A multi-layered approach to interactions between life forms across the globe"

Jens-Christian Svenning – Professor, Dept. Biology, Section for Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity, Aarhus University
Lecture title: "Ecological Dynamics in a Novel Biosphere"

16:25 - 17:00                   Coffee, Soft Drinks, Posters, and Networking  

17:00 - 18:15 Session 4 – Microbial Ecosystems

Nassos Typas – EMBL Group Leader, Systems Biology, Genome Biology Unit, EMBL Heidelberg 
Introduction to EMBL research theme “Microbial Ecosystems”
Lecture title: "Probing the interface of drugs and the human gut microbiome"

Mathias Middelboe – Professor, Dept. of Biology, Marine Biological Section, University of Copenhagen 
Lecture title: "Deep sea microbial ecosystems"

Simona Radutoiu – Associate Prof., Dept. Molecular Biology and Genetics, Section for Plant Molecular Biology, Aarhus University
Lecture title: "Microbial associations at the plant root-soil interface"

18:15 Concluding remarks

18:45 Bus transport to dinner venue
19:00 Participant & speaker dinner at Restaurant Smedien


Day 2 - Friday 4 November 2022

8:15 - 9:00 Coffee and Networking                                                                                                            
9:00 - 9:10 Opening remarks

9:10 - 10:25 Session 4 (continued) – Microbial Ecosystems

Søren Johannes Sørensen - Professor, Dept. Biology, Section of Microbiology, University of Copenhagen
Lecture title: "The mobilome - the flexible genepool in complex microbial ecosystems"

Lone Gram – Professor, Dept. Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Section for Microbial and Chemical Ecology, Technical University of Denmark 
Lecture title: "Role of microbial antibiotic molecules in microbial ecosystems"

Lars Peter Nielsen – Professor, Dept. Biology, Section for Microbiology, Center for Electromicrobiology, Aarhus University
Lecture title: "Cable bacteria – living electrical cables in the mud"

10:25 - 11:00                    Coffee, Snacks, Posters, and Networking

11:00 - 12:15 Session 5 – Human Ecosystems

Talya Dayton - Group Leader at EMBL Barcelona 
Introduction to EMBL research theme “Human Ecosystems”
Lecture title: "Organoid models of plasticity and differentiation in pulmonary neuroendocrine cells and cancers"

Kjetil Taskén - Director, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital; Group Leader, Dept. of Cancer Immunology, Professor Inst. Clin. Medicine, University of Oslo
Lecture title: "The Norwegian Cancer Precision Medicine Implementation Initiative – a prototype learning ecosystem for precision oncology"

Trine Tramm - Clinical Associate Professor, Dept. Clinical Medicine, Section for Pathology, Aarhus University Hospital
Lecture title: "Identifying biomarkers for benefit of radiotherapy in breast cancer patients: combining tissue biobanks and national registries"

12:15 - 13:15

Lunch, Posters, and Networking (vote for best poster by 13:15)

13:15 - 14:15

Session 6 – Short talks by young researchers

Jasmina Al Mousawi – Current PhD student, EMBL Rome, Italy
Lecture title: "Epigenetic mechanisms shaping embryonic gene expression"

Kenji Maeda – Senior Scientist, Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Copenhagen
Previous postdoc, EMBL Heidelberg
Lecture title: "Lipid landscapes of human cells"

Rasmus Kjeldsen Jensen - Postdoctoral research fellow at Structural and Computational Biology Unit, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Lecture title: "Visualizing the membrane proteome of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in situ"


Poster Prize 


Closing Remarks

14:30 - 15:30

Drinks Reception                                                                                                                                                


Thank you to the following for supporting the symposium:




The poster prize sponsor is the Danish Biochemical Society (Dansk Biokemisk Forening)