Aarhus University Seal

DANEMO Symposium 2022 on "Molecular Ecosystems"

   3-4 November 2022, Aarhus University

Planetary Biology, Microbial Ecosystems, and Human Ecosystems

Scientific infrastructure, funding and career opportunities

Join the DANEMO Symposium 2022 to get introduced to EMBL's new programme "Molecules to Ecosystems" with special focus on some of the research themes in the programme: Planetary Biology, Human Ecosystems, and Microbial Ecosystems.

This symposium features presentations by outstanding researchers from both EMBL and Denmark, representing these new research themes.

Further, learn more about the scientific facilities and funding opportunities offered to life scientists and students in Denmark by both EMBL and EMBO, and hear short talks by young researchers pursuing their research career at EMBL.

The DANEMO Symposium 2022 aims to encourage and strengthen collaborations between researchers in Denmark and EMBL research groups, and use of the many opportunities for research and career development that EMBL and EMBO has to offer. Also the DANEMO Fellowship for Collaborative Work to support scientific interactions with EMBL researchers and use of facilities will be highlighted.

Besides the excellent researchers, both EMBL, EMBO, and DANEMO representatives will be present at the symposium, ready to answer all of your questions.

Benefits for participants


The DANEMO Symposium is open to all life scientists and students affiliated Danish research institutions in academia and industry.

  • Get to know EMBL and EMBO, EMBL researchers, career opportunities, imaging facilities and resources
  • Learn about the scientific facilities and funding opportunities offered to life scientists and students in Denmark by both EMBL and EMBO
  • Learn about new and exciting research at EMBL and in Denmark, and make valuable connections
  • Find inspiration for possible collaborations for your daily work, and funding opportunities to support it
  • Hear inspirational short talks by young researchers pursuing their research career at EMBL

The DANEMO Symposium 2022

The DANEMO Symposium "Molecular Ecosystems" took place November 3-4th, and was a great sucess. With speakers and participants from all across Euorope. After the symposium we were lucky to have the following article published about the event. You can read the full article here.


Thank you to the following for supporting the symposium:




The poster prize sponsor is the Danish Biochemical Society (Dansk Biokemisk Forening)