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The SysOrg project aims at identifying pathways to increasing sustainable food production and consumption. The year 2023 was rich in project…
DIVERSILIENCE strives to improve the productivity and resilience of organic crop production through better utilization of crop diversity. Our project…
The 1st Green ERA Hub call is open for the submission of proposals that will make “Contributions to a sustainable and resilient agri-food system”
The CORE Organic project, "All-Organic" aims at valuing innovation trajectories of the involved actors and at providing references for developing…
Antimicrobial resistance of bacteria represents lately a matter of concern in all farming technologies and it is the consumers’ interest to know how…
Berries are healthy “superfoods”. However, the Danish area with organic berries is small. University of Copenhagen is partner in the CORE Organic…
Invitation to international workshop at the University of Copenhagen on the transformation to more sustainable food systems 23 May 2023 from 9:00 to…
On 8 February 2023, around 100 attendees representing ministries, industry, education, funding agencies and various members of the research community…
On the 2nd March 2023, the Green ERA-Hub held its first Annual Socratic Dialogue Event in Budapest. The CORE Organic Pleiades were represented by…
The CORE Organic Pleiades delegation visited various stands and participated in the TP Organics' Science day at BIOFACH 2023.
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