The CORE Organic Pleiades is an international network of 43 partners in 27 countries/regions, that joins forces to fund transnational research projects within the area of organic food and farming. The network is implemented under the Horizon Europe project OrganicTargets4EU. The CORE Organic Pleiades network period began on 1 September 2022 and will end on 1 February 2026.
The current objectives of the CORE Organic Pleiades Network are to
The CORE Organic network has existed since 2004 and has launched 8 transnational calls for funding, totalling 61.9 million EUR. The current network period, CORE Organic Pleiades, is focused on increasing R&I funding to support the European Green Deal targets for organic food, farming, and aquaculture. The network also serves as a platform for policy exchange and supports network partners in the preparation of new Horizon Europe funding instruments relevant to organics. Find more information about the previous CORE Organic network periods here.