Aarhus University Seal

The phases

Phase 1 will start with a public meeting ultimo 2017 for interested neighbouring landowners, hunters and citizens within a certain radius of Ovstrup Hede. The purpose of the meeting is to map the interest in participating in the project. Following the public meeting, a ‘critique- and vision’ workshop will be organized for all local interested primo 2018 in order to:

  • map experienced problem,
  • establish a common platform for a sustainable management explicated as a number of specific objectives, and
  • establish a number of local working groups for the development of the specific objectives and their implementation and the identification of needed expertise.

Phase 2 include the integration of the identified expertise and knowledge via a number of ‘research workshop’ throughout 2018 and 2019. At the ‘research workshops’:

  • the local working groups will present their draft for the implementation of objectives and the needed expertise and knowledge identified,
  • the local working groups will engage in a dialogue with invited experts in order to produce answers to the raised questions based on existing knowledge, or how answers can be produced.

Based on the outcome of the ‘research workshops’ relevant research will be initiated, and, based on the discussions the objectives will be adjusted and the process will enter the implementation phase, Phase 3, ultimo 2018 and throughout 2019. 

Phase 4 will summarize the experiences from the project and the entire project and its outcome will be evaluated and analysed. The analysis will focus on the quality and actual outcome of the deliberative process. Decisions on follow-up initiatives and possible continuations will be made. The knowledge and experiences from the project will be distributed to the broader public as well as to the scientific community. A national conference will be organized to discuss if and how the lessons from the project can be transferred to the national context.