Available Decision Support Tools by case study country

Tool name & link


Positive features

Terranimo Terranimo® is a Terramechanical model for the simulation of stress under agricultural machinery and for decisions on sustainable agricultural field traffic. A test version of Terranimo® was released in March 2012. -
C-tool Enhance SOM model development by aiding the construction, revision and testing of soil carbon turnover models -
DLBR Comprehensive database stored on cropping history, input, soil data etc. for individual farmers Complete farm plan
DLBR Mark Online Takes soil types into account; new and more advance/accurate; complete farm plan

Farmscoper Used to assess diffuse agricultural pollutant loads on a farm and quantify the impacts of farm mitigation methods on these pollutants. It also determines potential additional consequences of mitigation method implementation for biodiversity, water use and energy use. user friendly; gives the farmers financial benefits of employing measures and quantifies the saving for the farmer; includes ELS data to provide up-to-date picture
RB209 Defra’s fertilizer guide (guidance and recommendation tables) Paper-based
MANNER A software tool which predicts the plant availability of manure nitrogen (N) following application to land.
Sundial “SimUlation of Nitrogen Dynamics In Arable Land”- dynamic computer model of nitrogen turnover in the crop/soil system
Well-N Model for sustainable use of nitrogen fertiliser
CropKare Fertiliser recommendation crop calculator
CALM “Carbon Accounting for Land Managers” - business activity-based calculator showing the balance between annual emissions of the key Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)and carbon sequestration associated with the activities of land-based businesses. Simple, internet based, provides choice at the end. Companies developing it have done customer insight, designing systems for people in mind.
Planet Nutrient budget control; about climate change, profitability and diffuse pollution
Farming for a better climate About climate change, but addresses farm efficiencies, slurry use and targeting with fertilizers to maximize return per unit Farmer focused
LADSS “Land Allocation Decision Support System” - Collective term for a farm-scale integrated modelling framework that is being developed to simulate whole-farm systems Produce booklets
Agricultural benefits spreadsheet calculator DST to help staff decide whether waste can be applied to land, without causing harm - without excessive loading of metals to soil. It uses RB209 and Sludge Use in Agriculture (Guide) thresholds for toxic elements, so is concerned with nutrients, lime and contamination risk. The 2 documents are combined into a simple spreadsheet as a tool for staff.
Think Soils Manual to help staff identify soil and management options to reduce damage; primarily for EA staff and external advisors, not farmers Every copy gets distributed with a feedback form; printed on waterproof paper; pictoral; focused on delivering outcomes
Sediment Matters Aims to help non-specialists understand sediment sources, pathways and stores so that they can collect the evidence necessary to support procedures such as land drainage consents and anti-pollution works notices and identify sustainable sediment management solutions for their catchment. Hard copy; includes a series of risk assessment stages
Allowance tool Map-based software tool that looks at the capacity of land to  accept materials such as slurry or agric wastes, at constraints like NVZs. it’s a decision support tool, for example if a farmers was planning to put in an AD they would use this tool to help with positioning and planning. Available externally, there are 2 levels, public facing  and specialist user group which uses the data in more detail
Gatekeeper Can help manage field records, crop records and stock records. The software can be used to plan for future seasons; monitor margins; review and compare input costs; and look at trends over a number of years. Good interface; uses PLANET in the background
Tried and Tested A booklet with principles of nutrient management and a spreadsheet at the end;  the same as PLANET but paper based Paper-based
Knowledgescotland Online resource for policymakers and Government stakeholders that is focused in the food, health, environment and rural sectors.
Public Good Tool Excel-based tool developed by the Organic Research Centre to assess the public goods provided on a farm. Only used by advisers (not for public use). Follows a holistic approach

Soil Catalogue based on a database that collects about 30 years of soil information of both geological (geological surveys) and agronomic (soil features and subsoil fauna) nature Farm scale; built with the idea to provide the users with an interactive DST, which based on a sound database allows to personalize all provided information
FERTIRRIGERE provides information on irrigation and fertilization Information provided to the farmers through sms
MiPAAF The main concerns regard: carbon soil management; nitrogen leaching; erosion control; pest management in crops; the farm aspects related to the application of one or more cross-compliance measures.
IRRI define the fertilization plan in particular situations (e.g. Nitrate vulnerable Zones) is free, online; but is very complex and sometime hardly usable