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Cindrilla Chumduri is proposing a project related to the chronic infections in the female reproductive tract and is looking for collaboration partners.

Info about event


Thursday 27 June 2024,  at 10:30 - 11:00





Advancing prevention of chronic infections and inflammation in female reproductive health

Metaplastic adaptation within the female reproductive tract, often driven by lifestyle factors, is a critical focal point for chronic infections and associated health complications. This project aims to dissect the spatial-temporal cellular and molecular dynamics of these infection-prone sites and develop a cutting-edge preclinical 3D organoid co-culture system. Our approach not only replicates niche-specific traits in vitro but also offers a platform to test innovative intervention strategies.

The urgency of addressing high reinfection rates and the prevalence of chronic asymptomatic infections—which significantly impact fertility and increase the risk of systemic inflammatory diseases—is at the core of our research. Through targeted organ-specific interventions, our project is set to reduce reliance on antibiotics, lessen treatment burdens, and mitigate antimicrobial resistance, thereby decreasing reproductive morbidity and enhancing overall health outcomes.

Utilizing advanced bioengineering, single-cell and spatial omics, and computational analytics, we aim to construct a comprehensive biomarker database and evaluation of therapeutic potentials. This initiative aims to transform diagnostics and treatments in women's health. We invite industry partners to join us in this innovative venture to redefine chronic infection and inflammation management in reproductive health.


We unite right minds from industry and academia so that they can jointly create need-driven research projects - and pave the way for innovative new treatments in the future. Through competitive funding calls, we fund the best projects ideas. Although companies cannot receive funding, it is free of charge to join.

The 5-year platform is sponsored by the Novo Nordisk Foundation with 180 M DKK from 2024-2028.


You are always welcome to reach out if you have questions or comments. Reach out to odin@au.dk or find the Secretariat's direct email addresses under contacts.

Although we're spanning five Danish universities, we're based in Aarhus. Our office is located at Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 121, blg 1521-216.