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ODIN is an archetypic Open Science Partnership

In a newly published Nature Communications (Humanities and Social Sciences) article, ODIN is an example of one of the four archetypes within Open Science Partnerships.

Open Science Partnerships are precompetitive partnerships across the university and industry, which aim to accelerate science through openness and collaboration.

In an article published in Nature Communications (Humanities and Scocial Sciences), ODIN is exemplified as a 'hub' Open Science Partnership archetype, whose  main purpose is to provide a platform for academic-industry collaborations.

In addition to ‘hubs’, there are three additional archetypes: ‘Missions’ such as the The Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC), ‘infrastructures’ like The Neuro's EDDU (Early Drug Discovery Unit), ‘clubs’ exemplified by Open Targets, or even combinations of more archetypes. EUbOPEN is an example of the latter.

Read the full article 'Archetypes of Open Science Partnerships: connecting aims and means in open biomedical research collaborations' here.