Winners of the 2024 Science and Art competition
A big thank you and hearty applause to the stunning entries this year. Thank you for sharing your science and your art with us. You have made the experience in the Partnership richer!

Congratulations to everyone who submitted artwork for the Nordic EMBL Partnership's 2024 Science and Art competition!
The top three ranked artworks based on your votes are:
First place: Silke Chalmers, DANDRITE, with the art titled: The circle of pre-life.
Second place: Alena Salasova, DANDRITE, with the art titled: Synaptic Reef: Where Thoughts Thrive.
Third place: Joseph Lavicky and Alena Salasova, DANDRITE, with the art titled: Embryonic Marvels
All submitted artworks will be highlighted in various ways throughout the time until the next competition opens.