Hanne Poulsen receives ODIN grant to develop safe methods to make biological drugs work inside cells

The project deals optimization of peptides that can penetrate cell walls, so that biological drugs can get into cells.

Dr. Poulsen in a blue sweater and gray shirt
DANDRITE Team Leader Hanne Poulsen Photo: DANDRITE

Note: this article originally appeared on the DANDRITE website on 10 May 2022: https://dandrite.au.dk/display/artikel/odin-project-headed-by-hanne-poulsen

Team Leader Hanne Poulsen and her team studying P2P CPP has recieved a grant from ODIN. The P2P CPP project aims to develop safe methods to make biological drugs work inside cells.

The project deals optimization of peptides that can penetrate cell walls, so that biological drugs can get into cells. The team has developed techniques that they will use in laboratories to test a range of CPP compositions to find correlations between the physicochemical properties of the peptide and its safety profile.

The first success criterion will be to determine if the team's techniques are actually predictable for toxicity. Ultimately, the best possible direct result would be a CPP-based new cancer therapy.