FIM­M­POD pro­gramme pro­motes in­dustry-aca­de­mia part­ner­ships through joint postdoc po­s­i­tions

The second FIMM-Bayer joint postdoctoral researcher has been recruited as part of the FIMMPOD professional development programme activities. Congratulations to Dr. Mahesh Tambe who started this position in August 2021!

Dr. Mahesh Tambe, FIMM-Bayer postdoctoral researcher. Photo: FIMM

FIMMPOD is the first professional development programme of its kind in Finland, with the core missions of promoting the wellbeing, networking and career opportunities, mentoring, transferable skill training and recruitment of postdoctoral and senior researchers at FIMM. As part of these efforts, a joint industry-academia postdoctoral position initiative was launched in 2018.

The first, and now the second, such position has been established together with Bayer as the industrial partner. The joint postdoctoral position builds on Bayer’s expertise in clinical trials, FIMM’s experience in industry-academic collaborations and research training, and the existing research collaborations in cancer therapeutics. It is designed to offer simultaneous training in cancer research and translation to and management of clinical trials.

Among the 14 excellent applicants, Dr. Mahesh Tambe stood out thanks to his relevant research experience and excellent problem solving and team leading skills.

Read the full article on the website