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The Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience (DANDRITE) is the Danish node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership, and performs basic and translational research in brain and the nervous system.
The Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) is the Finnish node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership. FIMM’s research interests are human genomics and personalized medicine, with a focus on translational research.
The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) is the Swedish node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership. MIMS aims to strengthen Swedish research and enhance the dynamics in the field of molecular medicine.
Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM) is the Norwegian node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership. NCMM conducts molecular medicine & biotech research and works translate these findings into clinical practice.
Professor Olli Kallioniemi has been awarded a €2 500 000 Brain Gain grant for research into artificial intelligence in medicine. The five-year grant…
Two researchers at Umeå University have been awarded ERC Starting Grants – a research programme that aims to support promising young researchers at…
Duda Kvitsiani succeeded in exploring the brain's decision-making system, thereby contributing new knowledge to his field. He could not have achieved…
An international team of researchers has uncovered genetic factors that predispose women to a genetic phenomenon where some cells lose one of their…
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Members of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine will be hosted in Oslo in 2024 for the Annual Meeting.