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In Portugal the project is implemented by ISA-UL, CONSULAI and a network of farmers practicing Mixed Farming and Agroforestry Systems, in particular Montado, a UNESCO protected Mediterranean mixed system, comprising agroforestry activities and extensive livestock production. The system is dominated by scattered oak trees (Quercus suber, Q. ilex, Q. rotundifolia), associated with native pastures, forages, or feed crops. The livestock (beef cattle, sheep, goats and/or pigs) is characterised by low stocking rates, adapted to the poor soils and unfavourable climate conditions of the region.

Farmers joined the MIXED network in Portugal with a motivation of sharing experiences and improving their practices. Climate change and soil degradation, as well as poor crop management practices, have opened the floor to the decline of the Montado, due to weakening of root systems, draught, and the proliferation of pests. A new paradigm is required to adapt to climate change, while ensuring the economic viability and environmental sustainability of the farms.

The Portuguese network aims at restoring and modernising the Montado ecosystem, by working in collaboration with farmers, researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders. The main objective is to find solutions for the future and more sustainable management practices, accommodating the interests of stakeholders at all levels of the value chain.

The Portuguese network integrates 15 farms, with over 20.000 hectares of farmland in the Alentejo region in the south of Portugal.

CONSULAI and ISA-UL are the project managing partners in Portugal.

CONSULAI is an advisory company in the agribusiness and agroforestry sectors. The company provides services based on high quality standards, developing long-term trusting relationships with farmers. As network coordinator, CONSULAI will be the main link between the project and farmers.

ISA-UL is the project´s academic partner and national team leader. ISA-UL is the largest and most qualified school in Agricultural Sciences in Portugal. In the MIXED project, ISA-UL will be responsible for conducting the analysis and viability assessment of the Montado system.

Read more about the network in Portugal



The Montado system and the Portuguese network of H2020 MIXED

News from the Portuguese network

Lessons learned from the Portugese network

Lessons learned will be added soon. 

Network Coordinator: Carolina Ramos (CONSULAI)
Mail: cramos@consulai.com
Phone: +351 913 835 585


Portuguese national team leader / Academic Partner: Claudia Cordovil (ISA-UL)
Mail: cms@isa.ulisboa.pt
Phone: +351 213 653 424


MONTADOS They are recognised as agricultural systems of high natural value. Did you know that montados can retain around 14 million tons of CO2 each year? In the MIXED project, the Portuguese network is highly committed in the restoration of productivity in traditional Montado system.