In Poland MIXED is implemented by IUNG-PIB and FSK Juchowo and involving the land of FSK Juchowo where MIFAS (Mixed Farming and Agroforestry Systems) are practiced.
Agriculture in Poland is very differentiated, however as a whole it is subject to the processes of specialization and concentration. In areas with fertile soils (central and south-western part) an intensive, usually stockless, farming with high inputs of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers is practiced. The highest concentration of livestock (dairy cows and beef cattle) is in the north-eastern part of Poland, where soils are usually more sandy.
Juchowo Village Project is situated in Juchowo, a small village in the north-west of Poland. One of the project’s core institutions is FSK Juchowo (Stanisław Karłowski Foundation). It was founded in 2001 in the process of rearranging land of former state farms, a legal form of agriculture which was common in the north-west of Poland until the early 1990-ies.
FSK Juchowo carries out various activities in the field of education and pedagogy, sociotherapy (rehabilitation of people with disabilities), scientific research and nature protection. The latter one it mainly implements by following the rules of biodynamic agriculture on its 1.900 hectare farm. Juchowo’s agricultural production concentrates on dairy cattle and animal fodder production like grass and hay, but also on cereals, root crops and, to a minor extent, vegetables and fruit. One of the major challenges on Juchowo’s farm is to improve soil fertility without using any kind of artificial fertilizers. The soil, rather poor and sandy by nature, in addition has been devastated by inappropriate cultivation in the past. In order to cope with this challenge, approx. 10 km of tree lines, tree rows and hedges have been planted in Juchowo over the last two decades to protect soil from water and wind erosion, but also to shape the landscape and provide habitats for animals and plants. The beneficial impact of tress and hedges on agricultural production is subject to an innovation study in our MIXED project.
Project please visit our website
Main outcomes and conclusions regarding MiFAS in the Polish network:
There is a need for simplification and liberalization of regulations on organic farming, agroforestry and sustainable livestock production.
More specifically targeted support, e.g. for product development.
Better education campaigns for farmers and consumers.
Foster collaboration among farmers and with other stakeholders.
Allowing already existing trees for subsidies, possibility of growing fast-growing and fruit trees, possibility of combining AF and organic farming and NATURA2000.
Work on good reputation, avoid association with green-washing.
Policy support for MiFAS in the Polish national context should focus on:
1. Feasibility of MiFAS (e.g. change submission deadline for applications for agroforestry systems measures, which is now in June and July, which is not the best time for a farmer to work on applications; increase financial support for keeping or introducing animals on a farm, which now is too low when compared to the effort of keeping animals; promoting mixed systems at regional or “neighbourhood” level, not necessarily at farm level, because mixed systems at farm level tend to be too complex and labour intensive;
2. Education and advice, because it is not self-evident for farmers why they should seek a mixed system on their farm, and they also need support with applications for financial support of mixed or agroforestry systems.
A look to the future and how your network would like MiFAS to develop, future challenges to be solved, etc.:
Increase independence through production of own inputs - more manure, compost, biocarbon, legumes.
Strengthening the position in the value chain by developing processing and direct sales.
Savings by using renewable energy sources on the farm (roofs with photovoltaic panels).
Volunteer work and simultaneous inclusion of people marginalized by disability.
Education, training future generations of farmers, farm internships.
Increasing product quality through better technology, breeding selection and traditional knowledge.
Anna Szumełda
Phone: +48 94 3753821
Mobile: +48 728 943 195
Jarosław Stalenga
Phone: +48 81 4786 808
Mobile: +48 605 987 44