Workshop, Aarhus University, Campus Foulum
Thursday September 15, 2016
Workshop leader: John Hermansen
Production of biomass occupies the scarce resource land and is related with significant costs and environmental impacts. Presently, biomass production is often targeted to specific purposes that request as specific quality at the expense of the volume of biomass. A significant driver for bio-refinery concepts is the opportunities to grow higher yields of biomass and subsequently to ensure the best possible utilization of the different parts of the biomass. Separating biomass into high value proteins for feed, fibres for organic acids, feed or energy, and residues for biogas seems promising from an environmental as well as economic perspectives, but other solutions may as well be promising.
Grass protein
Potential partners and/or competences
Next step
Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University
P +45 8715 7958
Collaboration subjects identified during the workshop
Potential partners and/or competences
Collaboration subjects identified during the workshop
The economic and environmental performance of different supply chains for bioenergy products
Potential partners and/or competences
Next step
Further development of the concept
Check funding opportunities, e.g. ERA-Net bioenergy
Ioanna Mouratiadou
Senior Researcher
University of Utrecht
P +49 (0) 331 288 2687
Oskar Englund
Post Doc
Chalmers University of Technology
P +46 31 772 31 13