Alice Mattoni is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna. Alice serves as the Principal Investigator of the ERC funded project BIT-ACT (2019-2024), where she explores how civil society organizations and activists utilize digital media, digital data, and AI applications to combat corruption worldwide. She conducts research and has published extensively on the dynamic interplay between media — digital and otherwise — and grassroots politics in international journals, including Big Data & Society, European Journal of Communication, Communication Theory, Information, Communication and Society, International Journal of Communication, Journal of Information Technology & Politics, and Visual Studies. She is the author of Media Practices and Protest Politics. How Precarious Workers Mobilise (Routledge 2016) and editor of Mediation and Protest Movements (Intellect 2013), with Bart Cammaerts and Patrick McCurdy, and of Spreading Protest. Social Movements in Times of Crisis (ECPR Press 2014), with Donatella della Porta.