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Cristina Flesher Fominaya as speaker on the Copenhagen People Power Conference

She will be participating in the panel "Solving our planetary crisis through people power: Trends and patterns, challenges and hopes".

Check the full program here.

Date: September 28, 2023 | Time : 09:45-10:25 | Zoom link


PolarVis Workshop Oct 10-11, University of Copenhagen


“Polarization, Visual Storytelling, and Affective Connections on Climate Justice”

University of Copenhagen, CoMMonS Research Centre, Department of Sociology, CSS Campus, building 16, Room 16.2.55

Thursday, Oct 10

13.00 Introduction: the PolarVis Project, Alexandra Segerberg (Project coordinator, Uppsala University)

13.30 Katrin Uba, Uppsala University: The Power of Protest: Energy Protests and Policy (in)action in Sweden

14.15 Liv Egholm, CBS: The Activist dilemma between the need for urgent action and mobilizing for a future to be

 14.45 Coffee

15.00 Luca Rossi, ITU: PolarVis Dashboard Workshop

Co-design workshop with activist practitioners and professionals that will explore how and why climate activists use social media. We'll support this process through an interactive dashboard that will allow to see how different groups engage with their audience on facebook and what kind of strategy "works".


16.30 Discussion followed by reception


Friday, Oct 11


Session Critical Visual Storytelling for Climate Justice: FFF, XR and the Last Generation

Dominik Rákos, Change, Hungary: Critical Visual Methodologies for Understanding the Audiences of Youth-Led Climate Movements

Costanza Azzupardi, SNS, Italy: Preliminary findings on The Last Generation and XR in Italy

Nicole Doerr, UCPH, FFF Decolonial Strategies of Visual Storytelling/ Activist Voices in Conversation


10.30 Coffee



Session Affective Polarization, Counter-movements, and Connective storytelling

Curd Knüpfer, SDU: Ingroups and Outgroups--How Narratives and Affect Shape Digital Surrogate Networks and Radicalize Right-wing Parties


Anita Nissen, AAU: Communication Strategies and Mobilization Rationales of The Danish Environmental Movement


María Florencia Langa, UCPH: PolarVis Long term COP data analysis


Luigi Arminio, ITU: Measuring the sociolinguistic patterns of the Facebook Climate Debate


Discussant: Christina Neumayer, UCPH


Lunch 12.45-13.30



Brainstorming and Conclusion


Contact information:

The workshop public and free.


For participating, please register with Mégane Philippson <megane.philippson@outlook.com>


Workshop organizer: Nicole Doerr, UCPH, Department of Sociology, CoMMonS Research Centre


PhD School on ‘Visual Analysis & Contentious Politics’, call for applications

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore | Cortona, Tuscany

3rd International Conference Social and Solidarity Economy and the Commons Decolonizing the Solidarity Economy and Commons: Enacting the “Pluriverse” 

8th to 10th of November 2023 | the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) in Lisbon, Portugal 

DEMINOVA LAB YouTube Channel
