Aarhus University Seal


Participants are highly encouraged to bring their research poster and compete for the poster prize!

Bringing your research poster is a great way to communicate your research project and networking with other symposisum participants and speakers.

Lunches, coffee and refreshment breaks during both symposium days will take place among the posters.

Please hang up your poster upon arrival to the symposium venue on the available poster boards in the "Vandrehal" (building 1410). There will be pins and tape available.

Submit your poster title in your symposium registration (or by email to the symposium organizer: karenb@mbg.au.dk) by Monday 24 October.

Poster prize

Bring your research poster and compete for the poster prize, which will be awarded during the symposium for the best poster.

The poster prize winner, based on votes by all symposium participants, will be announced on day 2 of the symposium.

We ask all participants and speakers to take up the tough task of voting for their favourite poster to receive the honors of the poster prize, which is kindly sponsored by the Danish Biochemical Society  

Voting is open through 3 November at 11.00 CET, and winners will be announced at the close of the symposium on 4 November.

The rules are simple: only one vote per person is permitted, and only people attending the DANEMO symposium are allowed to vote. 

Voting form: https://da.surveymonkey.com/r/2R2D67W

Travel Awards

When bringing a poster to the symposium, participants can also apply for the Travel Award to support coverage of travel and hotel expenses to attend the symposium.
Read more details on how to apply for travel support here


Thank you to the following for supporting the symposium:




The poster prize sponsor is the Danish Biochemical Society (Dansk Biokemisk Forening)