This summary is based on a database created in the Core Organic project OrganicDairyHealth.
The purpose of this database was to compile various data from major organic dairy farm types in the seven European countries involved in the project. The data was collected using country specific questionnaires based on the guideline "Questionnaire for description of major organic dairy farm types" developed in the early stages of the project.
This Excel-file (Database summary) consists of frequencies, medians and inter quartile ranges for six major information areas: "Building, housing and floors", "Herd size and land", "Production level", "Herd health", "Feeding" and "Breeding". Part 1 contains common variables for all countries for the main areas "Building, housing and floors", "Herd size and land", "Production level", "Herd health", "Feeding" and "Reproduction". Part2 contains information for the main area "Breeds and breeding traits" separatly for each country.