COST Action Circul-a-bility - Working Group meeting

A strategy for sustainable food packaging

This meeting Meting will be held in person, and will follow the ONLINE conference scheduled from the 26 to the 29 of September, hosted by University of Foggia.

  • Reimbursement of travel costs will be carried out through eCost and by invitation, based on WG leaders  prioritization, based on ITC Countries location,  current active participation in WG project activities or as invited speakers at the event. Maximum reimboursement to 40 participants, following the COST guidelines.
  • A list of hotels to be booked as well as directions on how to get there can be found here

*Preliminary program

September 30th


Sala San Felice

Welcome and practicalities

WG presentation of activities (1 to 5, including Communication)


Old City of Giovinazzo

Welcome reception

Wine tasting and musical program     

20:00 Dinner on your own    

 October  1st                                                                    


Keynotes from industry representatives: perceptions, needs, strategies in the direction of food sustainable and circular approach to food packaging (speakers from European industry for fresh produce, meat+fish, dairy, confectionary)      


Coffee break    

11:30 Keynote presentation/ TBA    
12:00WGs break-out rooms    
13:00 Lunch break    

Presentation of Work Plans for 2nd year for WGs (1 to 5, including Communication plan)

16:00Coffee break    
16:30 Presentation of Work Plans for 2nd year for WGs (1 to 5, including Communication plan) continued    
17:30 Meeting wrap-up and Conclusions    
18:00 Visit to the City of Giovinazzo    
20:00 Dinner on your own    

Date: September 30th - October 1st, 2021

Venue: SALA SAN FELICE, located in Piazza San Felice in Giovinazzo (BA), Italy

Due to the limited capacity of the venue,  number of participants will be limited, and active members of the working groups will be given precedence