Aarhus University Seal

Colloquium Wildlife Crime

In January 2023, the Center for Adaptive Nature Management (CAN), Aarhus University, facilitated a two-day colloquium on wildlife crime. The colloquium was funded by the 15th of June Foundation and was held at the Kysthotellet in Grenå, Djursland.

Several experts, relevant authorities, and interest organizations with knowledge of wildlife crime from both Denmark and abroad were invited to give presentations at the colloquium. Additionally, participants from Danish institutions and interest organizations involved with wildlife crime, and therefore constituting relevant stakeholders, were invited. These included representatives from the police districts, the Danish Ministry of Environment, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, the Danish Nature Agency, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, the Wildlife Management Council, and several green organizations.

During the two days of the colloquium, wildlife crime in Denmark was thoroughly examined, and a collective effort was made to enhance the understanding of wildlife crime as a phenomenon, as well as to improve the preventive measures against wildlife crime. The primary aim of the colloquium was to initiate a dialogue and collaboration on wildlife crime in Denmark among the relevant professionals and stakeholders, and to facilitate a conversation that fostered collective development along the way.

The colloquium resulted in a protocol, which can be accessed here or by clicking on 'protocol' on the right side (in Danish).

Additionally, Aarhus University has published a summary of the colloquium in the form of a technical DCE report. The report contains the key points and conclusions from the colloquium.

On the 'presentations' page (left in the menu), pdf versions of all the presentations given at the colloquium are available (Two in Norwegian, one in English, the rest in Danish).


  • Hans Peter Hansen, Senior Researcher
  • Cathrine Schrøder Dethlefsen, Ph.d.-stipendiat
  • Gwen Fox

Photo above: Hans Peter Hansen